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Author Quick question about declaring convertions on insurance

Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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26th Jan 10 at 23:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When you change your engine and declare is to the DVLA how does your insurance then class the car? I remember someone saying they class it as a kit car sometimes when you put an XE in a corsa but if i swapped from a 1.2 to a 1.6 would they just class it as a standard corsa 1.6 because its a standard corsa engine and on the log book as so or would they class it as a modified car?

SXI - Matt

Registered: 8th Jul 07
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26th Jan 10 at 23:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not trying to be funny but theyd class it as modified as you've changed it from original spek which was a 1.2

[Edited on 26-01-2010 by SXI - Matt]

Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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26th Jan 10 at 23:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thats what im trying to classify but on price comparison websites you can select engine transplant standard, engine transplant non-standard so im a bit confused as to why you would declare youve changed your engine for the same one.
SXI - Matt

Registered: 8th Jul 07
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26th Jan 10 at 23:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ah i see it makes sense now what you mean that i dont no

Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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26th Jan 10 at 23:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im not brilliant at expressing what i mean simply
SXI - Matt

Registered: 8th Jul 07
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26th Jan 10 at 23:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Id take it as they mean have you either put a standard 1.6 engine in or a modified 1.6 engine turbo or any htink non standard about it not that you've put another 1.2 to in if you get what i mean as like you say i cant see why they would want to no apart from the obviouse being engine number being different

[Edited on 26-01-2010 by SXI - Matt]

Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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26th Jan 10 at 23:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I get what you mean but i would of thought standard meant standard for the model E.G. corsa - so any engine from 1.0 12v to 1.6 16v would be standard, and non-standard would be anything that came from outside the corsa range.
Rich H

Registered: 26th Oct 05
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26th Jan 10 at 23:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It was explained to me when I declared then insured my Corsa as:

Underwrite it for a Corsa as the car but get the premium based on the car the engine came out of + mods on top (if that makes sense?)

So mine is essentially insured as a Calibra with new wheels, suspension etc but down as a Corsa.

Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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26th Jan 10 at 23:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ahhh so if it was a 1.6 Sport engine it would be classed as a 1.6 sport instead of the original LS/ Trip model etc???? Plus my mods on top of that.

Registered: 25th Nov 09
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26th Jan 10 at 23:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Youy dont. Just be carefull not be be caught doing stupid speeds that a 1.2 couldnt. All my cars with lumps in them havnt been declared, and i have had a few. ha. I had a V6 Corsa down as a 1l 12valve. hahaha...

Registered: 13th Apr 08
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26th Jan 10 at 23:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Rich H
It was explained to me when I declared then insured my Corsa as:

Underwrite it for a Corsa as the car but get the premium based on the car the engine came out of + mods on top (if that makes sense?)

So mine is essentially insured as a Calibra with new wheels, suspension etc but down as a Corsa.

Mines was the same with flux.The quote was ran off for a Cavvy Sri.

Suspension and brake mods didnt cost any extra though as it was standard issue to upgrade them.Tell them you dont have any brakes or susp mods and they tell you they will send an assessor out.

Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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26th Jan 10 at 23:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
Suspension and brake mods didnt cost any extra though as it was standard issue to upgrade them.Tell them you dont have any brakes or susp mods and they tell you they will send an assessor out.

When you say upgrade them do you mean correct poundage springs or did you get away with just saying it was lowered on shocks and springs etc?
Rich H

Registered: 26th Oct 05
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26th Jan 10 at 23:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by TotalVauxhall1989
Youy dont. Just be carefull not be be caught doing stupid speeds that a 1.2 couldnt. All my cars with lumps in them havnt been declared, and i have had a few. ha. I had a V6 Corsa down as a 1l 12valve. hahaha...

Ah ha ha ha ha. And you're the kind of prick that makes my premium so high If you can't afford to pay for it properly, don't bother to do it.

EDIT: Mine's down as having full coilover kit and the 2.0 brakes with braided hoses - they didn't ask any more than that

[Edited on 26-01-2010 by Rich H]

Registered: 30th Dec 07
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26th Jan 10 at 23:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Rich H
Originally posted by TotalVauxhall1989
Youy dont. Just be carefull not be be caught doing stupid speeds that a 1.2 couldnt. All my cars with lumps in them havnt been declared, and i have had a few. ha. I had a V6 Corsa down as a 1l 12valve. hahaha...

Ah ha ha ha ha. And you're the kind of prick that makes my premium so high If you can't afford to pay for it properly, don't bother to do it.

EDIT: Mine's down as having full coilover kit and the 2.0 brakes with braided hoses - they didn't ask any more than that

[Edited on 26-01-2010 by Rich H]

Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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26th Jan 10 at 23:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by jibjob
Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
Suspension and brake mods didnt cost any extra though as it was standard issue to upgrade them.Tell them you dont have any brakes or susp mods and they tell you they will send an assessor out.

When you say upgrade them do you mean correct poundage springs or did you get away with just saying it was lowered on shocks and springs etc?

Uprated springs and shocks.

Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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26th Jan 10 at 23:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If i was going to do it all properly i would be declaring the exhaust, wheels, 2.5 v6 brakes, bilstein 60mm shocks and springs, braided lines and Rieger front bumper. Plus however the engine needs to be declared. Thats all the obvious parts and the only things that wont be declared are semi smooth boot, decals, depos, rear lights and interior. Would you say thats right or would you declare more or less?

Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
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26th Jan 10 at 23:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just had a quote on a standard 1.6 sport with those modifications listed and its just gone down over £500 from the last time i had a quote with all the same details

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » Quick question about declaring convertions on insurance 22 database queries in 0.0191610 seconds