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Author Help Please

Registered: 14th Mar 10
Location: Lincs
User status: Offline
2nd May 10 at 18:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My car started running crap, juddering all the time and the revs dropped on its own and if i stopped at a junction or lights it would try stall itself so had to keep the revs up. If I left it running for a while it would cut out and I would have to wait until the engine cooled to make it work again and sometimes had to rev it to start it. I had a new crank sensor and air flow thing put on and it solved most of the problem. Had a fuel filter done yesterday and it was running perfect and started up fine then in the middle of driving the engine management light came on then went off and it juddered a little bit then drove perfect then when slowing down for a corner and changing into a lower gear it came back on and had a moment then drove fine.. Can anyone help me please?

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Help Zone, Modification and ICE Advice » Help Please 23 database queries in 0.0098321 seconds