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Author problem after problem.

Registered: 13th Jul 10
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   13th Jul 10 at 20:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

right for a while now i have had a problem with my car its a 1.4 16v. i was loseing water and i had no leak anywhere and my car did not tick over very well. so i had a mechanic out to look at it as i thought it was the head gasket. he done some tests and told me my cylinder head was poorus. he also found my egr valve was faulty and my fan switch come on too late. so i got a second han cylinder head and had it re-conned and i brought the other bits brand new. (was not cheap ) so after i got all the bits i had the mechanic come back out to fit the parts he started doing it and he got so far and then turned around and told me it can not be done because he can not get the inlet manifold off because he can not get to any of the bolts so he could not take the head off. he said it needs to have some sort of strut bar to go across the engine and hold it in place and take the engine mount blots off to push the engine forward so he can get to them. he told me he could not do it, i need to take it to a garge and have it on a ramp and do it. is this true or is he talking s**t and he dont know what hes on about? i looked in the manual and on the pics it shown that he took the head off with the manifold on? i'm really confused now and dont know what to do. i have spent around 800qwid now on parts and cant get them on? surely this man dont know what hes doing. any tips on this and does anyone know if its true what he is sayin

Registered: 4th Jan 10
Location: Gloucestershire
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13th Jul 10 at 21:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I took my head off with the bottom half of the inlet manifold still attached, yeah it makes it hard because there are some coolant pipes to undo but its not impossible, if a person like me that had never touched a car in his life can do it I'm very sure a trained mechanic can!

Registered: 13th Jul 10
User status: Offline
13th Jul 10 at 21:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Piér
I took my head off with the bottom half of the inlet manifold still attached, yeah it makes it hard because there are some coolant pipes to undo but its not impossible, if a person like me that had never touched a car in his life can do it I'm very sure a trained mechanic can!

i think i would have to get another mechanic then. this bloke obviously dont know what hes on with

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