Registered: 26th May 03
Location: Farnborough Drives: Thurlby 888 CDTi No.98
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Photo's stright of the camera
Veiw from of the runway from the vantage point

Airbus A380


Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

BF109 + Spitfire

Red Arrows


[Edited on 25-07-2010 by smcGSI16V]
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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Were you standing on the A331? Too cheap to pay to watch? 
I must admit I was thinking of doing this. I go along the A331 every day to and from work and have seen a few fly over.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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The A380 is fecking huge!! Roll on tomorrow
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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Awesomew! Same b52 as I saw last week I assume. Great pictures
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: London
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I must have been just to your left! I had such a great day. Never been that close to the planes at an airshow.
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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Cheers for directions by the way!
Registered: 9th Aug 04
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The 787 (Dreamliner) was there wasn't it?
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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Thats left on tuesday
Registered: 5th Oct 03
Location: Farnborough
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Cool pics!! I know exactly where you were from those pics. Was it busy there?
I'm going tomorrow, just watched from home today
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: London
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It was busy but not too busy, car parks werent full or anything either. Only thing that was pretty bad was driving into farnborough with all the traffic.
Registered: 9th May 08
Location: Burnley, Lancashire
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A380 is absolute pornography!
Registered: 26th May 03
Location: Farnborough Drives: Thurlby 888 CDTi No.98
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Some from today

[Edited on 25-07-2010 by smcGSI16V]
Premium Member
Registered: 22nd Feb 05
Location: Basildon, Essex
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Just looked through mine, got a couple of good ones but they are not a patch on yours 
Top down one of the hawk is especially 
Big thanks for showing us around today
Was a cracking day only thing that could have possibly made it better would have been seeing the vulcan. Ah well I will catch it again soon 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: London
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What happened to the vulcan??
Premium Member
Registered: 22nd Feb 05
Location: Basildon, Essex
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teccy issues so didnt fly
Just realised I am rather red too 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: London
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Sooo glad I went yesterday then!
Registered: 26th May 03
Location: Farnborough Drives: Thurlby 888 CDTi No.98
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by gavin18787
Big thanks for showing us around today
Just realised I am rather red too
No problems.
Yes me too, its all starting to sting. Plus where the bush raped me when having a tiddle has festered up where my legs are burnt which dont help.
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Registered: 22nd Feb 05
Location: Basildon, Essex
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Knees are the worst on me, must be all that sitting down in shorts 
As long as my face goes down a bit im fine for work tomorow as shirt and trousers will hide the rest 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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Is that eurofighter fully armed
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Registered: 5th Mar 03
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quote: Originally posted by Jamie Walby
Is that eurofighter fully armed
That is one of BAe's development aircraft IPA5. The air-show is a massive sales front for companies so as they are so actively seeking export sales they sent along that one with three drop tanks and four Paveway 2 laser guided bombs to demonstrate it's capabilities whilst fully laden a few ton of stores on board. The bombs are inert practice ones btw!
I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.
Registered: 20th Jul 04
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Traffic getting into the car parks was crazy, ended up missing the Red Arrows display and the B-52 flypast! I was surprised the Red Arrows were on so early, usually save them till last.
Anyway, not having the best camera in the world I knew I wouldn't get any decent pics so opted for vids instead. Here's one I did actually manage to get of the red arrows as they departed:
I'll post up more when I can upload them, got quite a nice one of the Lancaster.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Likewise, missed the red arrows and the start of the A380 taking off due to parking but the arrows did do some flybys over the carpark which was impressive. Shame about the Vulcan not flying (heard it was a brake issue) and i was hoping the F22 would be out but apparently that was only for the trade on Mon/Tue Good day though, even if it got a little boring with the Spitfire/Hurrican/Chipmonk displays!
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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How can you be bored of seeing a spitfire!
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Butler
How can you be bored of seeing a spitfire!
Impressive aircraft but after 20/30mins of the same flybys it started to get a little dull! The Typhoon picked things up though. I managed to stand pretty much parallel to it as it throttled up for take off, what a noise!! The ground actually shook when the afterburners ignited
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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