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Registered: 18th Aug 09
Location: Lancashire
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I have a 1990 c20xe from a calibra what type of air flow meter do I need for it 4pin or 6pin ? Tha ks guys
Registered: 16th Oct 08
Location: wolverhampton/cannock
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look at the loom?
Premium Member
Registered: 18th Aug 09
Location: Lancashire
User status: Offline
what is it?
Registered: 23rd Jun 09
Location: Fife, scotland Drives: Audi S3
User status: Offline
could be wrong but think if its a coilpack engine its the 4pin one. and if its a distributer engine its the 6 pin just going by what i have seen.
my astra has a coilpack xe in it and its 4 pin and my corsa has a distibuter 20xe in it and its 6 pin.