Scrivs Bit
Registered: 11th Feb 03
User status: Offline
If you are have you done the write up?
Matt Ings
Registered: 26th Feb 01
Location: Cardiff/Sheffield
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did it last year.....really did fuckin shite...aint even worth asking me
Registered: 2nd Sep 02
Location: Burgess Hill, West Sussex
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i did an AVCE in ICT, what writeup is is? :/
Scrivs Bit
Registered: 11th Feb 03
User status: Offline
Im doing a spreedsheet in excel for bookng a holiday and im up to implamentation and i cant do it!
Registered: 2nd Sep 02
Location: Burgess Hill, West Sussex
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lookin back at my notes, lots of bullshit=good marks
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: lurkin' somewhere........................
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no one else can implement it i thought my spelling was bad too yours is worse 
The imp. bit is surly all your design work and prep work?
Registered: 31st Mar 03
Location: Brum
User status: Offline
yep i am- not on implentation on spec and design still. im fuckin bhind now
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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I got a A in AS ICT - was a piece of piss though I think our teacher was a bit relaxed on marking...
Premium Member
Registered: 16th Sep 01
Location: Derbyshire
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I've just done it !!! I did my spreadsheet on a mileage thing 4 my dad. Spent ages doin the write up, i've finished it now and so far i have got 40 out of 60 which ain't bad !! The implementation section i did was basically saying what i did on the spreadsheet and why i did it. make sure you add plenty bout the macros, functions etc. you have used, and use tons of screenshots (to pad it out a little !!! worked a treat for me !!) hope that helped !!!
[Edited on 03-04-2003 by masey]
Scrivs Bit
Registered: 11th Feb 03
User status: Offline
Thanx every 1 thats how the teacher spelt it on the board its not my fault! ive just finnished my test paln gonna start imp 2morrow got to b in 4 next fri!
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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i was doin this then giv up cos its shite got a gnvq tho
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Norn Iron
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Our computers in school are the worse things in the world, calculators are probably more powerful!
Apple Mac Performas prob about 10 years old and we are doing our a-level coursework on them with 4d first!