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Author following from petrol prices...

Registered: 4th May 02
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9th Mar 11 at 17:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i for one am against any increase which makes me worse off etc etc im not sticking up for anybody either...... but when you really look at it petrol is still pretty cheap.... when you consider a gallon of petrol is roughly 6 quid........... but people think nothing of 5 pints of carling at around 15-20quid a gallon depending on where you buy it from.....!

look at anything most things are still more expensive than petrol..... car wax, washing up liquid, mr muscle oven cleaner the list is endless but all more expensive by the litre than petrol is..

i bought some fence paint the other day 5 litre's 24.99
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9th Mar 11 at 17:16   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ah right, I feel fine about it now then.

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9th Mar 11 at 17:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Valid point but the price of beer or fence paint doesn't get sneaked up every week because billions of people rely so heavily on them.

Registered: 14th Jun 06
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9th Mar 11 at 17:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by corsa120
i for one am against any increase which makes me worse off etc etc im not sticking up for anybody either...... but when you really look at it petrol is still pretty cheap.... when you consider a gallon of petrol is roughly 6 quid........... but people think nothing of 5 pints of carling at around 15-20quid a gallon depending on where you buy it from.....!

look at anything most things are still more expensive than petrol..... car wax, washing up liquid, mr muscle oven cleaner the list is endless but all more expensive by the litre than petrol is..

i bought some fence paint the other day 5 litre's 24.99

Do you have to buy fence paint to get to work? to see loved ones? To go to the shops.

Is your food delivered to supermarkets in lorries that run on cans of carling?
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9th Mar 11 at 17:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Do you work for the government?

Corsa C Z20Let

Black Sleeper Turbo Project

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9th Mar 11 at 17:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by fir3vip3r
Originally posted by corsa120
i for one am against any increase which makes me worse off etc etc im not sticking up for anybody either...... but when you really look at it petrol is still pretty cheap.... when you consider a gallon of petrol is roughly 6 quid........... but people think nothing of 5 pints of carling at around 15-20quid a gallon depending on where you buy it from.....!

look at anything most things are still more expensive than petrol..... car wax, washing up liquid, mr muscle oven cleaner the list is endless but all more expensive by the litre than petrol is..

i bought some fence paint the other day 5 litre's 24.99

Do you have to buy fence paint to get to work? to see loved ones? To go to the shops.

Is your food delivered to supermarkets in lorries that run on cans of carling?

well said

Registered: 4th May 02
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9th Mar 11 at 17:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no im just makin a point...... im as fucked off about it as you are but my point is even at 2quid a litre its cheaper than beer..... dont make it right but fact its true is the point...!

as for it being sneaked up is true enough and its a valid point but thats not the point im arguing about if it was that my thread would read.. WHY DO THE GOVERMENT KEEP BEING SNEAKY
my point is in the grand sceam of things its relatively cheap

and what about people without a car or cant even use public transport these people face the scenario of seeing loved ones, shopping and work even harder to contend with at least you have a car..

[Edited on 09-03-2011 by corsa120]

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9th Mar 11 at 17:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Drinking is something you (want) to do, and petrol is something you (need) in most cases. As said above really, silly point to make in my opinion.

Registered: 14th Jun 06
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9th Mar 11 at 17:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by corsa120
no im just makin a point...... im as fucked off about it as you are but my point is even at 2quid a litre its cheaper than beer..... dont make it right but fact its true is the point...!

as for it being sneaked up is true enough and its a valid point but thats not the point im arguing about if it was that my thread would read.. WHY DO THE GOVERMENT KEEP BEING SNEAKY
my point is in the grand sceam of things its relatively cheap

and what about people without a car or cant even use public transport these people face the scenario of seeing loved ones, shopping and work even harder to contend with at least you have a car..

[Edited on 09-03-2011 by corsa120]

Yes for a liquid its quite cheap. But what your saying is "hey, its relatively cheap to buy a micra compared to a pagani zonda"

And people that are immobile, they can get food stuffs delivered to there homes which will come in a van, guess what that runs on..... Or they get carers to look after them, guess how they will attend the address.....

Petrol is a necessity, its what the entire country has been built on! Because its cheaper than a pint of beer is neither here nor there!!
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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9th Mar 11 at 17:58   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

compare it to water out the tap...

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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9th Mar 11 at 18:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

One of the stupidest arguments yet.

Registered: 11th Dec 07
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9th Mar 11 at 18:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

what a load of bollocks!!!!!

when i got my vectra it cost me £70 to fill it and now it costs me £77. i know its only £7 but its absolute crap how the government are taking advantage of the shit goin on in egypt! all the government want is MONEY!! so yea ok compare it to prices of mr muscle and other liquids but its all down to the petrol prices!!!
Scotty C

Registered: 6th Nov 05
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9th Mar 11 at 18:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When it was once 70/80p a litre, it was cheap. But since it's nearly doubled people are going to think it's expensive aren't they...

Registered: 25th Oct 06
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9th Mar 11 at 18:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

this is the most ridiculous argument ever and the OP should be embarrased with this thread

Registered: 19th Jun 10
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9th Mar 11 at 18:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If I had to buy 60 pints of beer a week in order to make money and survive then maybe this would make sense
Gareth F

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9th Mar 11 at 19:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

How often do you buy fence paint?.....
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9th Mar 11 at 19:27   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its all about supply and demand, fence paint is more expensive per litre, because the company only probabaly sells a few thousand litres a week, petrol companies sell billions of litres a week therefore the margin for profit can be less for them to make equally or more money
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
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9th Mar 11 at 19:36   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I don't need 10 pints of Carling to get to my work in the morning
Ben G

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9th Mar 11 at 19:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you don't need pints of carling for anything, it's a luxury item.

my work is 10 miles down the a13. if i get public transport it would cost me 4x the amount it costs in petrol and take about 6x as long as i would need 2 buses and 2 trains, so i NEED petrol to earn money to live and pay taxes.

Gareth F

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9th Mar 11 at 19:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Eck
I don't need 10 pints of Carling to get to my work in the morning

No but it would make work seem fun

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9th Mar 11 at 22:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I dont think its a problem tbh, our petrol prices are among the cheapest in Europe now, Diesels is a bit too high, 2nd highest in europe highest being Norway! But then our refinerys dont have the capabilities to produce enough derv so its all down the supply & demand at the end of the day!
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10th Mar 11 at 00:45   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Scotty C
When it was once 70/80p a litre, it was cheap. But since it's nearly doubled people are going to think it's expensive aren't they...

When it got to 80p a litre we had the fuel protests and the blockades of refineries and distribution points. It wasn't cheap then, and it is rediculous now. I was in Egypt last week and it is 30p a litre there!

Venezuela average petrol price at the pump is 1.6p
Sierra Leone is £2.44

we're in the middle!!

I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.

Registered: 20th Jun 06
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10th Mar 11 at 01:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by stu_c
what a load of bollocks!!!!!

when i got my vectra it cost me £70 to fill it and now it costs me £77. i know its only £7 but its absolute crap how the government are taking advantage of the shit goin on in egypt! all the government want is MONEY!! so yea ok compare it to prices of mr muscle and other liquids but its all down to the petrol prices!!!

Its not so much for wanting money, It NEEDS money. As a national we consistently have a much larger debt to the world than other G7 countries, this needs to be recouped from somewhere and petrol and other necessities are the only way to guarantee continuous revenue to try and clear the debt mountain that has built up over the years.

Estimated to reach £1.1 TRILLION this year if it hasn't already. Interest for 2010 was said to be around £40 billion.

As a nation the country is screwed and went bust along time ago, but they are trying to prevent it getting worse. We are relying on a large number of overseas governments and investors to prob us up. Think of it like a bank that gives people a mortgage and if they default enough times.......

This site has loads of info for those that care to look into it. IMO there is No point moaning about cost of things as it is inevitable everything will rise. Best thing you can do is get on with it the best you can and not let it get to you as there really is nothing we can do but accept it and try to enjoy our lives.

and ONS data.


Registered: 24th Apr 03
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10th Mar 11 at 01:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Imagine how much it would cost us to fill our cars up with printer ink I think the colour of the roads would make us feel a little better about it though
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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10th Mar 11 at 07:14   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by fro-dizzle
Originally posted by stu_c
what a load of bollocks!!!!!

when i got my vectra it cost me £70 to fill it and now it costs me £77. i know its only £7 but its absolute crap how the government are taking advantage of the shit goin on in egypt! all the government want is MONEY!! so yea ok compare it to prices of mr muscle and other liquids but its all down to the petrol prices!!!

Its not so much for wanting money, It NEEDS money. As a national we consistently have a much larger debt to the world than other G7 countries, this needs to be recouped from somewhere and petrol and other necessities are the only way to guarantee continuous revenue to try and clear the debt mountain that has built up over the years.

Estimated to reach £1.1 TRILLION this year if it hasn't already. Interest for 2010 was said to be around £40 billion.

As a nation the country is screwed and went bust along time ago, but they are trying to prevent it getting worse. We are relying on a large number of overseas governments and investors to prob us up. Think of it like a bank that gives people a mortgage and if they default enough times.......

This site has loads of info for those that care to look into it. IMO there is No point moaning about cost of things as it is inevitable everything will rise. Best thing you can do is get on with it the best you can and not let it get to you as there really is nothing we can do but accept it and try to enjoy our lives.

and ONS data.


but when the deficit is gone, by 2014 according to conservatives, will it go back right down, no

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