Registered: 27th Dec 08
Location: essex
User status: Offline
hiya there got a corsa sport with a x16xe engine just put a head on it after the cambelt broke and now its eating oil and burning it ive replaced the valve stem seals theres no lips or scores in the bore and all the breathers are clear ive done a comprerssion test and getting readings of 16 bar which is really high as it should be 10.5.1 before the cambelt broke the engine didnt smoke or burn no oil now its getting though 4 litres in under 100 miles theres no external leaks any help on this one at all
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
You got the equipment (Or can borrow) to do a leak down test?
As I said before I'm a bit stuck as to what it could be, High compression shouldn't necessarily cause it to drink oil.
Registered: 27th Dec 08
Location: essex
User status: Offline
yeah its a weird one i havent got one or know anyone who has one to be honest i would of thought if the compression was high it could blow the oil past the rings maybe
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
It shouldn't unless the rings are funked anyway, High compression would usually play havoc with the ecu etc, Not rings/oil.
Is the car on the road etc? I can see If I can borrow a leak down test kit.
Registered: 27th Dec 08
Location: essex
User status: Offline
yeah it all on the road mate that would be great if you can mate
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Registered: 28th Feb 07
Location: rossington
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If the compression is higher than normal, the oil scraper ring is worn, this allow`s the comp to be high on test as the oil seals the other rings But passes and burns under load, Did your cambelt brake and leave small dints in the pistons ? If so this can coure the ring to be nipped in the grooves.