Registered: 27th Jan 09
Location: Mansfield, Notts
User status: Offline
right, well im sure my cable has stretched and my little white handle has snapped but i can SOMETIMES open the bonnet with the help of someone else if they pull the handle while i bounce the bonnet. I was wondering there is a way of tightening the cable or anything else i can do which makes the bonnet release work better? any help will be appreciated
alan t
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: edinburgh
User status: Offline
is the catch seized? may be worth while giving it a good soak in wd40, free it off if its sticking and see if that helps
Registered: 27th Jan 09
Location: Mansfield, Notts
User status: Offline
its like where the hole is on the slam panel where the catch is, when you pull the cable it doesnt move the catch out the way for the bonnet to release .. if that makes sense.
Registered: 10th May 10
Location: Dark places
User status: Offline
i had this on my corsa go breakers get new cable or buy one i just put my hand up under my bumper pass side found cable pulled it bonnet popped up
Registered: 12th Jan 10
Location: Hertfordshire
User status: Offline
I had this problem and thought the cable has stretched, i could pull the white release lever and nothing would happen. I sprayed aload of WD40 on it and it has be working fine ever since.
Registered: 12th Jan 10
Location: Hertfordshire
User status: Offline
I sprayed the WD40 on the release mechanism and where the cable joins onto it.
Clearer way of saying it instead of just 'spray WD40 on it'
Registered: 27th Jan 09
Location: Mansfield, Notts
User status: Offline
okay lads nice one. if i was to loosen the clamp, which way would i pull the cable through to tighten it, as stupid as that sounds. towards the catch or away from it?