Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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after having a few attempts at making depo's from valeo's and failing miserably (smashing, cutting fingers, etc..) using the oven, boiling water, hairdryer and prizing with a small screw driver...
i was tempted to give it another bash because i can get hold of a heat gun today
Q - is it any easier using a heat gun??
p.s il leave you with some amusing pictures 

Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
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Valeos nearly always break mate. You're better off just saving your fingers and purchasing either some that will split or Depos already made 
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Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
kk cheers. its on the list of things to get but got other priorities atm mate. didnt get the heat gun anyway lol
Registered: 8th Aug 07
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2 sets of valeo's. Smash the glass on one set and smash all the black plastic shit on the other set and keep the 2 good bits of glass then paint the inside bits as you would then stick the 2 together... magic
Registered: 6th Jun 09
Location: North East, Durham
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ive made loads of sets of these matey, if u supply the headlights ill make u some for a tena
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
think il wait for now bud. get the tax and test out the way and just buy some lol, then when im bored one day maybe give it another bash with the spare standard ones for shits and giggles
cheers anyhow
Registered: 3rd Jun 08
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quote: Originally posted by Corsa_Scotty
2 sets of valeo's. Smash the glass on one set and smash all the black plastic shit on the other set and keep the 2 good bits of glass then paint the inside bits as you would then stick the 2 together... magic
You can't smash the plastic off 
You need to heat the plastic up and cut it off with a good knife, that will leave you with good glass. Then for the plastic you will want to smash the glass, break as much off as you can with a pair of grips then get a screw driver that fits snugly into the groove and heat the glue with a hair dryer and scrape it out with a screw driver.
PITA though, not a nice job to do.
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
well the headlight in the pic has been 75% depo'd, just needs a glass bit lol