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Author work related question - promotion but for less money.
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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12th Jan 12 at 11:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

basically, another job has come up in work which is a grade higher than i am currently, days only (8-4 iirc).

it's the kind of job i've always wanted to do (product recalls) but i would be on less money because i get about 30% extra at the moment, due to being on shift work.

in the end, i think i'd end up losing around 20-25% if i got the job.

the job i do now is easy and not very stressful, just quite a bit of manual work involved.

would you do this?

[Edited on 12-01-2012 by Ben G]

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12th Jan 12 at 11:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Depends, potential for further promotion in that area that would see a wage increase again?

I would, purely because shift work would mean less time with family. As long as I could comfortably get by on the reduced wage of course.
Ben J

Registered: 31st Jan 05
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12th Jan 12 at 11:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah, would this step up open up more opportunites for promotion in future and better money?

Not being a gimp, but how far can you go on production line?

Sometimes you have to speculate to accumalate.

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12th Jan 12 at 11:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd stay where you are.

Shift work - Think you've done it before, so you know it gets annoying.
Less Money
More Stress

No brainer in my eyes.

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12th Jan 12 at 11:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Working normal hours is worth an awful lot of money, I'd personally go to normal hours.
Jamie Walby

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12th Jan 12 at 11:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben J

Sometimes you have to speculate to accumalate.

Friend of mine did this last year. Took a 50% pay cut to go from managing a bar to working for an events management company.

Best thing he ever did and after a year of earning less than his previous job, his pay is getting near to what it used to be with plenty more promotion potential.
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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12th Jan 12 at 11:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i enjoy shift work tbh as it allows me to do things during the day that i couldn't if were in work.

not sure about promotion prospects in this other job.

ben, my area manager come off the production line, as did my senior supervisor and foreman. they prefer someone who has experience in the field for those roles.

but this new job would mean less work, normal working hours and the chance for me to experience something new in motor manufacture.
Half Pint

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12th Jan 12 at 11:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I did it 12 years ago and never looked back. It all depends on whether you feel you can live on the lower wage. Think at the time shift work was about another 7k a year which was about 30% then. But given where I am now and the wage I earn it certainly worked out for me. I'd probably be on half what I am now if I had stayed put.
Ben J

Registered: 31st Jan 05
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12th Jan 12 at 11:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jamie Walby
Originally posted by Ben J

Sometimes you have to speculate to accumalate.

Friend of mine did this last year. Took a 50% pay cut to go from managing a bar to working for an events management company.

Best thing he ever did and after a year of earning less than his previous job, his pay is getting near to what it used to be with plenty more promotion potential.

I did same. Left my job in hotels and took a £10k pay cut to become an NVQ Assessor. But the flexible hours are more than worth it! Went from 80 hour weeks and awful shifts to 40 hours 9-5.

Registered: 11th Aug 06
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12th Jan 12 at 11:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
i enjoy shift work tbh as it allows me to do things during the day that i couldn't if were in work.

not sure about promotion prospects in this other job.

ben, my area manager come off the production line, as did my senior supervisor and foreman. they prefer someone who has experience in the field for those roles.

but this new job would mean less work, normal working hours and the chance for me to experience something new in motor manufacture.

Ohhh, thought the new job was shift and not normal.

I'd do that, but have a look at future promotions though, its a lot of money to lose imo.
Ben J

Registered: 31st Jan 05
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12th Jan 12 at 11:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
i enjoy shift work tbh as it allows me to do things during the day that i couldn't if were in work.

not sure about promotion prospects in this other job.

ben, my area manager come off the production line, as did my senior supervisor and foreman. they prefer someone who has experience in the field for those roles.

but this new job would mean less work, normal working hours and the chance for me to experience something new in motor manufacture.

You probably need to discuss the options with someone in the know? HR dept maybe? At least to find out promotion possibilities with both etc.

Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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12th Jan 12 at 11:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

they don't tell you much tbh. asked them before about another job.

think i might just apply for it and go for the interview. even if i don't get it, i can get the experience of the interview and use it for any future job opportunities.

i could live on the wage drop, but also wouldn't be able to enjoy myself like i do now (holidays, buying things etc).
Ben J

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12th Jan 12 at 11:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

And if you get it you can ask more questions and still don't need to take it.

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12th Jan 12 at 11:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
basically, another job has come up in work which is a grade higher than i am currently, days only (8-4 iirc).

it's the kind of job i've always wanted to do (product recalls) but i would be on less money because i get about 30% extra at the moment, due to being on shift work.

in the end, i think i'd end up losing around 20-25% if i got the job.

the job i do now is easy and not very stressful, just quite a bit of manual work involved.

would you do this?

[Edited on 12-01-2012 by Ben G]

I was in a similar position 5 years ago

Worked shifts and with OT earned good money

However offered a job thats was normal office hrs but resulted in about a 15k decrease due to shift allowance and OT

However it opened so many doors and now earn more than what I was when on shifts incl OT but only work office hrs with better benefits. The job is also far better

so for me it worked

Depends what you want - if it will further your career then taking a drop is a no brainer long term. - that is of course if you can afford to take the hit

Also some people like shift work for the time off but I value having weekends etc

[Edited on 12-01-2012 by whitter45]
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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12th Jan 12 at 11:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i get all my weekends off (i only do 3 shift, rather than the continental crap), haven't done overtime for about a year due to the economy.

but yes, thats the position i'm in. other people have made it work out for them and are having a better quality of life as a result, like you.
Ben J

Registered: 31st Jan 05
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12th Jan 12 at 11:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

And when you have kids, shifts are a cunt imo.
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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12th Jan 12 at 11:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

thats the one thing i worry about. would have to come off shift work then.

my mates just had a kid in december and said he has to come off as he never see's her or his other one.
Ben J

Registered: 31st Jan 05
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12th Jan 12 at 11:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Without knowing the full details of potential new job i'd say get off prod line now if you can.

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12th Jan 12 at 11:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
i get all my weekends off (i only do 3 shift, rather than the continental crap), haven't done overtime for about a year due to the economy.

but yes, thats the position i'm in. other people have made it work out for them and are having a better quality of life as a result, like you.

it really depends on the role etc and want you want out of it

Every industry is different but for me Shift is always looked upon if cuts or changes need to be made

You have to factor in how safe your current role is etc - appreicate in current climate no job is safe but certain positions are better than offers

For me the questions you need to ask are

Do I want to progress - if so will this change help this
Can I afford to take a drop in salary
Do I like shifts
Do I like the current role I have
Do you like the potential new role

next one is personal for me but;
I would always question whether a new role will challenge you - if its like for like for me its not worth it. Taking on a new role has to put you out of your comfort zone initially as thats how you learn new skills

Again this is only my opinion and each and everyone of you will have different opinions
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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12th Jan 12 at 11:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

good advice, cheers. i think it will challenge me as i would need to make phone calls to other plants here and abroad and i hate talking on the phone to strangers for some reason.

also will have to use the computer to use excel, haven't done that for about 6 years now.

also, will get my fork lift license in the new job which is handy to have.

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12th Jan 12 at 12:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If that's what you want to do then go for it.

I would move jobs to something on less money if it meant I would be happier at the new place.

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12th Jan 12 at 12:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

to be honest mate you should sit down with your manager and have an appraisal review or CCR etc to see what your aspirations are and what opportunities are available

This should give you some guidance but ultimately you need to know what you want from your job and life otherwise your manager will struggle to offer support and advice

[Edited on 12-01-2012 by whitter45]

Registered: 19th Apr 07
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12th Jan 12 at 12:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just to put out there the opposite to what others have said. I have gone the other way from being a manager and also having my own business in the past when I became a Father I actively sought out shift work as factory fodder. I've worked in two totally different factories now but both using the four on four off system.

This mean I get good money with no pressure. I clock out and forget the place and as for not seeing my kids (two of them now) I see more of them than I ever would working normal 9 to 5 hours as I only work nights twice out of every eight days.

I'm not the only one there is at least five lads I know who have done the same and love the relatively stress free life and within the company there are two high up managers who have "downgraded" for more time with the wife and kids and less hassle.

Just a thought for you.

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12th Jan 12 at 12:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If its a middle step to big bucks / management & you can take the knock for a wee while then get in there.

If its a road to no-where then dont bother.
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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12th Jan 12 at 13:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jimbothebarbarian
Just to put out there the opposite to what others have said. I have gone the other way from being a manager and also having my own business in the past when I became a Father I actively sought out shift work as factory fodder. I've worked in two totally different factories now but both using the four on four off system.

This mean I get good money with no pressure. I clock out and forget the place and as for not seeing my kids (two of them now) I see more of them than I ever would working normal 9 to 5 hours as I only work nights twice out of every eight days.

I'm not the only one there is at least five lads I know who have done the same and love the relatively stress free life and within the company there are two high up managers who have "downgraded" for more time with the wife and kids and less hassle.

Just a thought for you.

always nice to get a view from ''the other side'' as it were.

the four on four off system is one i could never do personally, so if it were to change, i'd definitely be on my way out.

agreed about the stress free life also. my manager is permanently pissed off and always being moaned at by his bosses. don't think i could handle pressure like that tbh.

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