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Author Ebay Rant

Registered: 26th Jan 05
Location: Lichfield/Dundee
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17th Mar 12 at 16:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Been having a clear out and sold a few things on ebay but had nothing but hassle

Latest one was a tyre temp gauge. Its brand new in the box and fully working. Sold it guy received it and left positive feedback. Then he contacts me saying its not as described and doesn't work - apparently claiming it took him 5 minutes to measure it at the track. So got him to send it back and tested it and it works perfect. I think he just doesn't want it any more but instead of selling it on himself he's wanting a refund.

I know ebay are pretty much on the buyers side but he's already left positive feedback for it? Where do I stand...send it back and say tough luck and ebay cant touch it as he's left positive feedback? Or should I just take the easy option and give him a refund seeing as he's sent it back.

Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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17th Mar 12 at 16:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My other half keeps banging on at me to put stuff on ebay, but I cant be arsed for that reason.

It's buyer orientated, as a seller you have no say.
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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17th Mar 12 at 17:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

had one problem on there since selling my puma stuff, a bloke received some wind deflectors and one had been snapped in half.

funny how they were both wrapped up together so if one snapped, they both would've.

Registered: 14th Nov 04
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17th Mar 12 at 17:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like he snapped one putting them on!

I had it with a game i sold while back, all worked perfectly then they left negative feedback saying it didnt work!

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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17th Mar 12 at 18:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ebay is full of cunts
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Registered: 16th Mar 12
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17th Mar 12 at 18:15   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
had one problem on there since selling my puma stuff, a bloke received some wind deflectors and one had been snapped in half.

funny how they were both wrapped up together so if one snapped, they both would've.
Oh right - you're the fucker that sold me those scuffed to buggery "great condition" Puma headlights.

just kidding - still got them on now:

Miles better than the yellow plastic-starting-to-decompose ones I had before.

eBay is a minefield. I need to move house within the next five weeks, in two minds whether to eBay surplus to requirements stuff or just dump it so I don't have to pack it up, transport it, then upack it at the other end - I'm hoping the worst case scenario is I end up having to refund a proportion of sold items to some scam artists or take the hit on some negative feedbacks for stuff that would probably just end up down the tip during the panic of move day anyway.

Due to procrastination until the day before I had to move, last time I moved house I junked several boxes out of the loft without even looking in them as I had to return the van by 6pm and didn't have time to sort through it. I figured if I hadn't needed to look in it for four years, I didn't need it anyway. Still wonder what was in them to this day.

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