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Author Compbrake............. bad service

Registered: 18th Jan 06
User status: Offline
   17th Apr 12 at 12:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have never delt with such an unhelpful/unkowlegable company....

I have a corsa b pedel box bought second hand, but made by them. Not very well may i add.

The reservoirs leak as they have made them with convex ends which means theres not a tight seal. (one end needs to be flanged, so had to moddify that) then bought another master cylinder off them to replace a stipped thread trying to get a tight seal and the push rod was too long which made the brakes bind (had to moddify that).

They dont include any info about re-drilling the whole in the brake pedel.

They cant tell you if the master cylinders should be sided.

You can only email there technical team and they never respond. Or you can call them between 8:30 and 9:30 (which i cant because im at work)

I sent an email in february and 2 more in the last month, all have not been responded too.

Just spoke to a lady in the office and she said as i wasnt a direct customer to them so she couldnt help me. "but you make this product?" her reply was "what do you want me to do about it?"
Put me through to the technical team!!! apparently she cant do that as they are in another office.

I dont think they know anything about their products or do any design or any testing on these, apart from slapping their stickers all over it!!

Im not one to rant about companies on the net, but this has really f**ked me off!!!

Rant over...............

[Edited on 17-04-2012 by birchieboy]

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