Registered: 26th May 11
Location: Aberdeen City
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right fed up ofmy dad n the bird complaning about me buying "buckets of shit" and have been thinkin of buyin a sensible car as im gettin bored of the polices "RANDOM BLOOODY STOP CHECKS" anyway the car in questions is the landrover discovery 3 always loved them as i think they have an awesome presence on the road and imo are a far better looking and functioning car then the range rover sport. just wondered if anyone had any personal experience with them as theyv taken a fair drop in price and thinking of buyin one at the end of the year for insurance and financial reasons itl have ti be the end of the year
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 12th Jan 05
Location: Undy, Newport Drives: Skoda Octavia vRS estate
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You want a Disco 3 at 19? I'd imagine you'll get pulled just as often as it'll look like you've stolen it
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: koda Fabia VRS 5J
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What car do you have at the moment?
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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End of the year is 8 months away, i would probably just leave it for now then have a think about it nearer the time as you will more than likely want something else.
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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Me and the missus have one; 54 plate HSE in Buckingham Blue, 2.7 TDV6. I'd have another but not an auto, avoid an auto at all costs IMO with the earlier 2.7 models; the later 3.0 didn't have the same issue.
Things to watch out for:
- Gearbox problems on the autobox. The oil cooler is built onto the side of the gearbox, the intersection between the coolant system and gearbox rots and lets coolant into the gearbox shagging the torque convertor causing the dredded shuddering associated with loads of early model Disco 3s. Its fixable but with quotes ranging from £2,500 to £8,000 its expensive. These quotes include not only fixing the problem but also a modification to stop it happening again.
Fortunately, when we thought our's had this problem, it turned out to be a faulty EGR valve on bank 1. We've had the blanking kit fitted instead and now get better mpg than before.
They return terrible mpg for short journeys 19-22mpg but a long run will see 30+. We got 28mpg doing 1800miles to the Alps and back, never dropping below 85-90mph on the French side and carrying 4 people + luggae plus skis and boards which I thought was pretty good.
They're cheaper at this time of year than Autumn/Winter by upto £1500 it appears as well.

Our's and the Missus' Mum's

and this one best shows the colour
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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Aside from that, its a cracking car, brilliant for the drive through France; really comfy and great visibility. The sixth and seventh seats have come in really handy as well a few times. I'd definitely have another but will wait until the D4 has come down in price now. Having driven both frequently, I'd have this over an RRS for the pure reason that for the size of car, the RRS boot is tiny. The D3 feels bigger in every way and also feels like it has more road presence. More than capable for the level of off roading we use it for and pulls a horse box sized trailer with ease
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Used to drive a 2.7 TDV6 (auto) at an old job I had. Was the slowest, heaviest piece of crap I'd ever driven, the throttle pedal in it was merely a volume control for engine noise. I did used to like the ride height button though, made sitting in traffic quite fun
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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That is weirdly something which appears to be wrong with our's. Everyone comments on how rapid it feels; even going from her Mum's to our's, you feel a massive difference between the two even though they're the same model, spec and mileage. Not sure if its stuck in the sport mode of the box as when you shift across, it seemingly makes no difference unlike the other one which does make a noticeable difference
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Another fine example of Whitley's finest engineers at work then Perhaps the one I drove was fucked too...
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Retford, Nottinghamshire
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Egr Valves are a common fvckup on the tdv6 i believe which affects the performance .. there are 2 of them aswell so not a really cheap fix.
[Edited on 24-04-2012 by SportBoy]
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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£50 to fix, take out EGR valve, fit blanking plate - simples
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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quote: Originally posted by ed
Another fine example of Whitley's finest engineers at work then Perhaps the one I drove was fucked too...
wouldn't surprise me, I've not driven two which felt alike.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Retford, Nottinghamshire
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quote: Originally posted by LiVe LeE
£50 to fix, take out EGR valve, fit blanking plate - simples
ahh fair enough
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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quote: Originally posted by ed
Another fine example of Whitley's finest engineers at work then Perhaps the one I drove was fucked too...
Did you apply for the J/LR Graduate scheme?
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Yup. For a company who is claiming to be desperate for new designers and engineers to join, they sure as hell know how to make people want to fuck them off and look else where.
Registered: 26th May 11
Location: Aberdeen City
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yup 19 drive a corsa sport and soon to have my c20let corsa on the road but want something less chavy! so to speak it sounds daft but there are 2 choices either a GTE or a disco 3 all depends on how sensible im fleeing at the time some may mock me for that comment but fuck it haha plus my dad said hed happily help me out money wise for a sensible car n disco 3 seems like a sensible car to me haha
Registered: 9th Feb 12
Location: aberdeen
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dont do it bud ur my aberdeen corsa B companion haha