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Poll: would what you do?
go out and help 13 (22.41%)
stay indoors 22 (37.93%)
steve is a weirdo 23 (39.66%)

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Author would what you do?
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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26th May 12 at 23:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i'm a firm believer in not getting involved in other peoples business. it never ends well.

tonight, there has been a party down my street. it's a very quiet close so every little noise can be heard.

i got in just before 12am and 10 minutes ago the other half heard a boy outside shouting help. she looked out and saw he was running away from a group of blokes.

she was saying we should go out and help him, but i told her not to get involved as it's not her problem. i've heard some stories about people trying to be heroes and ending up dead.

would you go and help? other neighbours are at their doors or twitching their curtains whilst i sat on the sofa continuing to watch a movie.

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26th May 12 at 23:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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26th May 12 at 23:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ben G

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26th May 12 at 23:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i don't like to get involved with them anymore. i'm sure someone else would call the police if it was necessary.

you have to wonder what the boy did to deserved getting beat up though. maybe he did something wrong?
Ben G

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26th May 12 at 23:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the other half a.k.a curtain twitcher has just informed me that 5 police cars have just pulled up outside the house the party was at.

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26th May 12 at 23:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Where's the poll option for pancake?

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26th May 12 at 23:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It would depend on the situation. In that case I'd sit inside, there obviously juiced up and violent so its not going to end well.

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26th May 12 at 23:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Guy could have deserved it. A roudy party doesn't sound like the sort of situation a guy has been cornered down a street.

Steer well clear, only causes hassle for you. I'd be curtain twitching though.
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27th May 12 at 07:50   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A one on one fight may be deserved, getting a kicking from a group is low. Could wind up killing someone.
However, I wouldn't have taken on a group of drunken guys. But I'd instantly have phoned the police. I think it's a bit mean not to, as if roles were reversed you'd rage that someone else did utterly nothing to help you.
That's the way I always look at it, what would I want someone to do if it was me.
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27th May 12 at 08:14   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Wouldve gone windmilling in tbh

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27th May 12 at 08:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd of make it known that i saw what was happening. Wouldn't of got involved though. Bringing shit to your doorstep is not a good idea
SXI - Matt

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27th May 12 at 08:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Id say any normal person would call the police if some one was running up the street shouting help, what's to say he wasn't walking home all innocent and they decided in a drunk state to do him over!
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27th May 12 at 10:21   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When I was 18 so nearly 11 years ago, a huge fight/riot broke out at the pub which was hosting a friend's 18th; a few of us were outside so retreated to a safe distance whilst the cars in the car park and pub windows got smashed up with golf clubs etc etc. unfortunately for the Chavs who started it, most of my friend's family were military or ex military and when one of their wives was attacked, they beat the living shit out of them and chased them off. Only problem was, they chased them in our direction; they went to beat up another mate who jumped over a bridge to escape when I intervened, then I took a serious beating from 7-8 people, broken nose, kicked in the ribs, stamped on my head etc etc and then they just stopped and ran off, to this day I swear I knew one of them who was sticking the boot in and he had been another friend of mine; I think they only stopped as he clicked who I was.

In short, I'd stay well clear if anything like that happened again
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27th May 12 at 10:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm not a fan of this typical British "avoiding situations" mentality though - if you see something wrong you should do something about it, it's your basic duty as a human being FFS.

If I was witness to something like that and they weren't 'play' fighting then I would have called the police. You can't help to stop crime if you do nothing about it?

Example - when we lived in Birmingham we heard someone shout 'Help!' in our street quite loudly, no-one bothered to find out what was going on except us. The guy was carjacked on the main road by our street. They took his wallet and phone as well, so we took him in and called the police for him and they sorted him out.

[Edited on 27-05-2012 by Sam]
Ben G

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27th May 12 at 11:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

my problem is, someone called the police on me when i had a row with the other half and had a rage fit. chucked a few plates around as i was pissed off and got arrested.

they cautioned me for criminal damage even though it was my own property and said if i didn't accept the caution then i would end up going to court.

i wasn't being a cunt, accepted it and just got on with my life.

since then, i have no respect for police and think they're all power mad cunts intent on fucking people over.

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27th May 12 at 11:06   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So you'd see someone take a hammering to prove some point about the police? Everyone knows some of them act like wankers, but well done you on making a stand.

Edit: I absolutely see why you wouldn't want any involvement with the police now, but was that the time to get stubborn? Could have made an anonymous call.

[Edited on 27-05-2012 by Shell]
Ben G

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27th May 12 at 11:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

maybe it's different up north but almost every week in the local papers you hear about someone trying to be a good samaritan and end up getting a kicking/stabbed/killed.

i personally don't want to be stabbed/killed so yes, i would stay out the way.

edit: unless you were talking about my problem with police. in which case, as neighbours were already standing outside their house, i took an educated guess that the police had already been called out, judging by them being called out just because i threw a few plates.

[Edited on 27-05-2012 by Ben G]
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27th May 12 at 11:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ben honestly, where I live it's more than likely most of the wee yobs starting bother will have a knife. For that reason, as i said, as a lass, I wouldn't be wading in amongst it. Although, I say that, in that moment, I probably would. But I'm an idiot. But I'd do something, I.e, ring the police. No one would know it was you if you were in your house.

[Edited on 27-05-2012 by Shell]

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27th May 12 at 11:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

how would you feel if whoever that lad was ended up dead or severely injured, and maybe you could of done something about it, at the very least call the cops, just because you had a bad experience doesnt mean theyre all bad!
Matt L

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27th May 12 at 11:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well... as i 'couldnt bust a grape in a fruit fight' i certainly wouldnt go out and get involved but I would probably call the police atleast depends what was going on, ie if they were still kicking the cr*p out of a lad or if the lad was trying to get away and they were stopping him/chasing him then i would call the police if they were just shouting/being mouthy then probably not.

id love to be able to handle myself and be able to go in and help as i would like to think someone would try and help me if i was the one taking the kicking.

[Edited on 27-05-2012 by Matt L]

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27th May 12 at 11:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No point hating the police, you wont think twice about phoning them when you need them, imo.

If you went outside you would have gotten a kick in and the guy being chased would have continued to run whilst they laid into you.


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27th May 12 at 12:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Sam
I'm not a fan of this typical British "avoiding situations" mentality though - if you see something wrong you should do something about it, it's your basic duty as a human being FFS.

Being streetwise isn't specific just to 'British'.

You can fairly easily distinguish a situation if you watch for a few seconds. Domestics or gang fighting should be completely steer cleared of.
Ben J

Registered: 31st Jan 05
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27th May 12 at 12:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd personally only get involved if I thought someone was going to get seriously hurt if I didn't. I'd call the police too.

I probs couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag tho tbh. Haven't had a fight since school.

[Edited on 27-05-2012 by Ben J]

Registered: 12th Apr 07
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27th May 12 at 14:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

On this estate, most likely gonna get shot, stabbed or have you're windows broken.
Defo ignore it.

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27th May 12 at 14:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by sc0ott
If you went outside you would have gotten a kick in and the guy being chased would have continued to run whilst they laid into you.

Exactly. Why help someone who most likely won't do the same for you?

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