Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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So basically since Tuesday I'm pretty sure I've developed hay fever, I didn't think it was possible later into life (always thought you just had it from a young age). Has anyone else experienced this and how the fuck do I stop it or make it more comfortable? 
I've got a itchy mouth/throat, headache, sweats, head feels like its going to explode, runny nose, sneezing. I'm finding it near impossible to focus at work due to it! Today one of the ladies at work took pitty on me and gave me a hay fever pill which made me feel alot better after a couple of hours but I'm still suffering. I'm also smashing up a packet of strepsils and nurofen during the day.
Couple of people at work have suggested that I may have to visit the doctor but I've got a feeling they are going to tell me to take over the counter products which I've already bought, is it best to keep to one pill a day or can The Internet authorise me to have a couple a day?
comments/internet love welcome
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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Are you sure you don't have a bug or the cold?
I was fucked all last week but I don't have hayfever. Know of a lot of other people with the same thing.
Registered: 19th Aug 02
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I havent been too bad so far, but also suffer.
The trick is not to rub your eyes, once you start... you cant stop, it feels sooo good to rub 
If your suffering, I would take 2 tablets in the morning (as I often do) and then another two mid afternoon.
Only trouble is, they aint cheap
Registered: 11th Nov 02
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The one a days are shit, taking more won't do any harm though.
Every year a different product works better for me, so try a few and see what they do. Apparently you can get an injection from the docs, but I've always manned up and got on with it without seeing the gp about it
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Defo sounds like the bug, I've got it and it's been a right pita.
I've had the focus thing all week, can just tell I'm not firing on all cylinders.
I also have hayfever and the only matching symptom is the running nose.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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no eye rubbing yet but they feel proper fucked and have bags under them - I've always been one to walk something off or just man up, at the moment it seems too soon to be going to the doctors. Hammer - it could be a cold or a bug, when I was in germany my throat started to hurt but I put that down to fags/dehydration, soon as I got back on Monday night I started going proper down hill.
I've always lived where I am so I'm surrounded by fields and live in a dusty old fucked farmhouse so I'm not in the best surroundings if its some sort of allergy
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Id be hoping its a bug. Hayfever is well expensive
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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is it? I've bought some tesco pills today ( ) sure it was under £2. I've also gone through so much loo roll and pocket tissues on my nose my bin in the office looks like I've spent 2 days on youporn
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Just got rid of the summer bug.
At first it started as a sore throat which felt rough as hell in the mornings, then it went to sneezing, running nose and a cought. Also had runny eyes, a fever and a really high temp
[Edited on 30-05-2012 by sc0ott]
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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how long did you have it for and what did you use to fight it apart from being such a fucking lovely man?
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You cn get a steroid injection for it but needs to be done april time apparantly.
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About a week with the throat issue and 3 days with the rest.
I took that beechams all in one. £4 a bottle, you drink 20ml every 4 hours. Did make me feel better but theres nothing that makes the flu go away quicker.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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this shit aint flu bruv
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Cold / flu, same thing t-bone
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quote: Originally posted by willay
I didn't think it was possible later into life (always thought you just had it from a young age)
My sister didn't start suffering from it until her late 20's, I started suffering from it about 3 years ago (I'm 29 now).
Registered: 18th Dec 11
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Get your tablets from here mate: http://www.chemistdirect.co.uk/allergy-and-hayfever-relief-loratadine-30-days-clarityn-substitute_1_1818.html
I buy 10 packs at a time as I get allergies all year round, hayfever just makes it worse.
I bought a medinose thing (google it) but haven't tried it yet as I've had so many nose bleeds recently from blowing and rubbing my nose
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by sc0ott
About a week with the throat issue and 3 days with the rest.
I took that beechams all in one. £4 a bottle, you drink 20ml every 4 hours. Did make me feel better but theres nothing that makes the flu go away quicker.
Good stuff that.
Registered: 29th Nov 06
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Sounds like Anal Flu to me
Registered: 11th Jun 08
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I had an injection for it monday. Its a 1ml injection of kenalog. I get mine done wen i need it lasts for bwt a year ish. Costs 7.15 prescription
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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quote: Originally posted by scunnylad
I had an injection for it monday. Its a 1ml injection of kenalog. I get mine done wen i need it lasts for bwt a year ish. Costs 7.15 prescription
Does it work? I.e. do you suffer at all after the injection?
I suffer quite bad with hayfever, pain in the arse. I find taking tablets everyday regardless of the pollen count helps as well.
I think there's just two main types of hayfever tablets; cetirizine and loratadine. The first is what I used to take for about 5 years then I swapped to loratadine because citrizine didn't seem to be doing anything. The doctor told me it's safe to take 3 a day now, morning dinner and evening.
Also get some proper soft luxury tissues otherwise you'll have a sore as fuck nose (http://www.ocado.com/catalog/images-hires/57519011_H.jpg)
Oh yeah I've got one of those medinose things, they seem to stop my nose running for a bit but I'm not sure if it's just because I've had something stuck up my nose for the last 2 minutes 
There's actually a prescription only drug called fexofenadine (brand name Telfast), which I found last year works well; you just can't drink alcohol on it though.
Registered: 28th Mar 02
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i always double dose on hayfever tablets. cost a lot more but it's worth it as one a day does squat. also try the beconase nasal spray. works a treat for me.
Registered: 11th Nov 02
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Get some of that
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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What do they call it in the winter?
Bye fever.
Registered: 29th Nov 06
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I always get it!! Never had an injection though. Got that for the Flu!
Its a real menace!
Registered: 11th Jun 08
Location: Ashby, North Lincolnshire
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Depends really. U are supposed to get it in april as said but i forget n leave it till i start to get a few symptoms it usually takes 2 days and im fine for the rest of the year. I even rolled around in a fresh cut field on a bad pollen day to see if it worked and was fine.
I did use certrazine but became ineffective and loratdone had no effect for me
I had it were i couldn't see my eyes dwelled that much so went to docs and just asked for it