Registered: 22nd Jun 12
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Ive got a small rust bubble appearing on my boot, about the size of a 1p coin if that!
Now before you say DIY, I cant be asked with the hassle, id rather pay to get it done by a professional anyway than mess it up, with most private rust & repair companies, how much should I be looking at for a small bubble? I have no rough idea so can you guys shed some light on this please, thanks
Registered: 17th May 08
Location: Westhill, Aberdeenshire
User status: Offline
Just do it yourself, you'll feel you've achieved something at the end of the day
Registered: 14th Oct 10
Location: Eastbourne
User status: Offline
A friend just had a small dent taken out of the bottom of his boot and then painted and cost £120 but i think you should be able to find something around the £80 mark but different areas/places will charge different so easiest thing to do is ring up!
Registered: 2nd Oct 12
Location: Swindon
User status: Offline
i have the same problem with rust