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Registered: 4th Jun 13
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Now then as you may have seen in the projects bit I am putting together a corsa sport 1999 x14xe.
I have to replace the headgasket so at the same time a sports manifold and exhaust will go on but I have been getting told to fit a better inlet manifold. I've seen there like silver long boxes behind the engine cover that replaces the old inlet. My question is are they worth the cost? And the ones I see for sale on eBay (silver box ones) are they ok to use or are thay just been made to rip you off, and has anyone fitted one of these types?
Thanks in advance steve
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
Location: Marlborough, Wiltshire
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Yes, a powerbox is one of the best bolt on mods for that engine. Either get a VX inlet or the OPD one, both should be fine.
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Registered: 4th Jun 13
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Cheers, so does the ecu learn with all the extra air going into the system or dies the car need remaping?
Registered: 6th Apr 07
Location: Lisburn, N.I.
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Won't need remapped. My x14xe with inlet manifold, sports backbox and pipercross viper air filter made 103bhp
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Registered: 4th Jun 13
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quote: Originally posted by Ricky352
Won't need remapped. My x14xe with inlet manifold, sports backbox and pipercross viper air filter made 103bhp
Cheers Ricky, well if I can get my corsa around that output will great.