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Author Facebook Summed Up.

Registered: 12th Jun 01
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9th Dec 13 at 22:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I know Facebook has fallen from grace in the last 18 months and many people are deactivating their accounts. I saw this on the Huffpost website and it hit the nail on the head for me:


The Degeneration of Facebook in 10 Statuses

In the olden days, Facebook was a fun place to find out what old friends were were up to. A place to catch up with people you'd lost touch with and somewhere you would share a picture of your cute new kitten or your adorable puppy. Unfortunately, things changed, you were given access to things that your friends liked and your friends friends decided to add you because you kept popping up in their suggestions box and before you knew it, you were up to your eyeballs in people you barely knew or people that would add you but totally ignore you if you passed them in the street. These are the dark days of Facebook.

Gone are the kittens and puppies, they've been replaced by vomit inducing images of dogs being punched, roadkill, videos of children being punched on public transport, girls sucking on used tampons, kids stabbing their hands with knives, injuries, insults, masturbation and sexually suggestive selfies. It's a place for generating hatred, inciting witch-hunts and scare mongering. What happened Facebook? We used to be friends.

Over the years users have also developed a distinct lack of personality. Statuses generally follow a pattern made up of 'trendy' words and before you know it, everyone's coming out with the same old stuff. It's all one big competition, it's the Hunger Games of photographs and hyperbole and the modern day equivalent of gossiping over the garden fence and keeping up with the Joneses or Kardashiwotnots. Here are a few of the statuses responsible for the degeneration Facebook.

"Click 'Like' if..."

...You've lost someone to cancer, you want to find a cure for cancer, you love your daughter, you love your kids, you enjoy breathing, you like clicking like etc. Stop clicking like and fill a bag with old clothes and take it to a charity shop, give money to cancer research, tell your kids you love them to their face. Save the tip of your index finger and do something that will actually make a real difference.

"Time for a bubble bath and a large glass of champers methinks."

The word 'methinks' only ever appears on Facebook and is only ever used orally in those bizarre baby brothels where perverted old men go to wear nappies and get their bums wiped by an overweight prostitute in massive 80s glasses. Statuses like this allude to a lavish lifestyle, a lifestyle created by gossip magazines and Sex and the City, this is not how real people live their lives. In fact the truth behind this status is probably "Time for a quick flannel wash and a glass of Lambrini" but that wouldn't impress your "friends" would it?

"Anyone know the number for the Doctor's Surgery?" "Anyone know the number for 999?"

If you can update your status, you can search for a telephone number. The above are desperate, attention seeking posts and require nothing more than the obligatory "Why what's up hun?" or "Hope everything's okay hunnii" or "I'm here if you need me hon" or... oh I can't be bothered but I know you know what I mean.

"Today I will be mostly..." and "...that is all."

These overused phrases appear to have replaced the nation's obsession with the word "random" which was badly overused for a couple of years by thousands of people who had never bothered to look up the definition of the word. It's a cocky and seemingly disinterested way of telling people what you're doing. Honestly, if you're that blasé about it, keep it to yourself.

"I would like to take this opportunity to wish Rihanna a happy 3rd birthday. Congratulations sweetie we are so proud of you. Love from Mum, Dad, Kev, Nana, Grandpa and Carol next door x"

Can baby Rihanna read? Does she have a Facebook account? "I'd like to take this opportunity"? Have you really been so busy that this is the only chance you've had to wish your daughter a happy birthday is through a Facebook account she can't read and has no access to?

See also: "Shakira, we have just been to your school open evening and your teacher said that you are the best in the whole school at absolutely everything. We are so proud of you. Love from Mum, Dad, Kev, Nana, Grandpa and Carol next door x"

Oh, stop showing off!

"Well Nana, it's been 7 years today since you died..."

Nana didn't use Facebook when she was alive so the chance of her being able to read this when she's been dead for seven years are pretty slim.


For starters, why do people use hashtag on Facebook? It's completely superfluous and then there is nothing more boring than someone who is bored and nothing more criminal than sticking a .com after a word to describe your feelings.

"Rate me"

This is the dangerous one. Mainly because it encourages users to post pictures of themselves in their new clothes or hardly any clothes and then asks friends to rate the pictures and their figures. The problem here is users are appealing to their "friends" if you look awful they're not going to tell you because they're your friend and they don't want to upset you. So no matter how hideous you look, people will click "LIKE" and they will comment with things like "Beautiful Hunniiiiii".

Blatant vanity and a desperate appeal for compliments seems to carry absolutely no shame whatsoever and adding "I hate this picture" to the posted image won't fool anyone. If you genuinely hated it, you would press delete. Well done Facebook, you've created a monster, and a bloody ugly one to boot!

There are over 988,968 words in the English language but look at the above. You know someone who has used one, more or all of them or you yourself are guilty. I've not even touched upon the countless people who want you to know where they are, who they're with and what an "AMAAAAAZEBALLS" time they're having. Genuinely "good-time" situations have no place on Facebook as the thought of updating your status just wouldn't occur to you.

So, stop competing with your "friends", showing off and shamelessly seeking attention. Close down your Facebook account, get out there, live your life and remember how to have a REALLY good time with REAL people and If you happen to feel like you still need the occasional spurt of validation, you can always Instagram the shit out of your dinner, you're bound to get a "like" and maybe even a #nom. Don't get me started on NOM!
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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9th Dec 13 at 22:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nobody on my Facebook list posts stuff like that apart from mark graham always saying he is bored. But that's not annoying really.

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9th Dec 13 at 22:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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9th Dec 13 at 22:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

True. I don't have it but fuck me it's cringeworthy reading what some folk write

Registered: 12th Jun 01
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9th Dec 13 at 22:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've been off there for a year, and for more or less the same reasons as were listed, there's no way i'd go back, either I was extremely unlucky to have the majority of my mates writing bullshit, self asserting posts on there, or everyone else just mindlessly reads them and isnt fazed by it.
Nic Barnes

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9th Dec 13 at 22:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I treat it like I do on here. Selective reading.

Registered: 12th Jun 01
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9th Dec 13 at 22:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah I guess. It could have been selective, but every other post was depressing or attention craving, like "Oh no he's done it again......" - they just wanted someone to ask "hope youre ok babe, whats happened?"
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9th Dec 13 at 22:57   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Went to a funeral the other day and my mate updated saying about how you need to value stuff because it'll be gone one day, should have seen the number of u ok babe after it. Felt like saying can you even spell irony you nob, if you were that involved, you'd have been there.

Registered: 12th Jun 01
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9th Dec 13 at 22:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think Facebook used to be a good thing, but outgrew itself.
Nic Barnes

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9th Dec 13 at 23:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The problem lies with smart phones being in the hands of dumb people.

Registered: 12th Jun 01
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9th Dec 13 at 23:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Smart phones and iPads.

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9th Dec 13 at 23:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I don't get why it gets peoples backs up, it's just a website if it annoys someone that much why go on it? Or why delete then bitch about how shit it is? Never understood that, I find loads of sites boring so I just don't go on them and forget about it?

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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9th Dec 13 at 23:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I remember signing up to Facebook back in 2005 when you needed a Uni email account; was a lot better back then [/JustSayin']

Tbf, that article does exaggerate - if a nob jockey posts shite then simply unfriend the fucker, problem solved

[Edited on 09-12-2013 by Dom]

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9th Dec 13 at 23:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Still has it's uses, like most things. People get fed up and move on. Just delete people than annoy you and it's fine.

I don't have many people on there. Only accept people I have and would speak to in the street. Or few car people which comes in handy
Ben G

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10th Dec 13 at 02:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My cousins wife is my 'friend' on facebook. they're a typical family on benefits in modern britain.

She's on there constantly either saying things like ''had enough of this'' and then everyone asks whats wrong and she replies ''nothing, don't worry''.

Then she posts about 50 million pics of her fucking kids.

I would delete her, but reading her shit and seeing her constantly trying to get attention makes me feel better about my life.

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10th Dec 13 at 06:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i rarely update my status i just go on every now and again to see what other people have been up to or if anythings happened it usually appears on fb first

Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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10th Dec 13 at 06:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The only thing more annoying than idiots on FB is idiots who stop using Facebook and then go on and on and on about it. Internet Hipsters.

Most things that article moans about is stuff you can control on there, if you find what people say/post boring, you simply either de-friend or click hide posts. If you have a situation where every single friend you have on there posts shite maybe you should evaluate what went wrong in your life that led you to have so many uninteresting people in your life.

As with anything use it wisely and its a useful tool. Its group messenger is saviour when you have friends that like to do group activities but live all over the country. Im going to a gig back in York on saturday, there people who are working abroad right now, people who live down south and i live in Scotland who are all going, arranging meeting times and places via a group chat is infinitely easier than any other way of doing it.

My main use for FB these days is using it like a forum, but one where only my mates are a member of.

Like any product, I'll continue to use it for as long as i find it useful. I'm definitely not going to make my life harder purely so i can be all internet cool, which is the reason that most people stop using it.

I suppose the most ironic thing about that article is that it was it goes on about "getting a life" and to stop fishing about for likes and attention, when it was no doubt posted on the internet, as a blog, with the intention of getting shared, liked and attention.
SVM 286

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10th Dec 13 at 06:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

NEWSFLASH - ''bookface is pish'' Wow, what a revelation. Hold the front page.

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10th Dec 13 at 06:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Nic Barnes
I treat it like I do on here. Selective reading.

Registered: 12th Jun 01
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10th Dec 13 at 07:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Being internet cool because you quit something that no longer had a positive input of your life.

My god Jonny, thats the most rediculous thing I think i've heard on here for a long time

[Edited on 10-12-2013 by Tiger]

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10th Dec 13 at 08:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think he's right.

People that quit, love to tell anybody that will listen

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10th Dec 13 at 08:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm on it, its shit, have people that annoy me and do shit updates. I've removed them from my news feed and I rarely post anything myself. You do read some interesting status's, becasue lets be honest, we're all nosey bastards. Plus me and my mates like checking in our other mate when we are all out as his big night out

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10th Dec 13 at 08:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

People that quit and tell people how much they quit are 'personality crafting' just as much as people who are on there posting stuff to make them appear to be someone they might not be.

Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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10th Dec 13 at 08:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tiger
Being internet cool because you quit something that no longer had a positive input of your life.

My god Jonny, thats the most rediculous thing I think i've heard on here for a long time

[Edited on 10-12-2013 by Tiger]

Fine quit it, but why bang on about it like you do? Looking for some kind of validation? Sounds very "facebooky" to me.

I'm still waiting to hear about all these amazing life experiences people who quit Facebook to "get a life" are having that they couldn't possibly have had before because they were using a website. Says a lot about the person if they couldn't live a regular life before they forced themselves away from a Fucking website

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10th Dec 13 at 08:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Plus, where do they post all their iPhone pics with no FB?

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