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Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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Usually I just mod my car and keep it to myself....not because I like to keep things private...but simply because I'm rubbish at remembering to take photos!! And then once the thing is back together I think about posting and realise I have no evidence of my undertaking. So...since I noticed that the projects section can seem a little dead these days I thought i'd upload a few images of my winter tasks.
Nothing too major here. List of problems/tasks:
Head gasket was gone like a good'en
Turbo was smoking more than an e-cigarette
Likely stem seal failure
Gear linkage was sloppy (more than the Vauxhall standard sloppy)
Radiator was leaking
Air filter was rusty! (Yes I used an ebay £10 filter....probably a mistake)
As i've said above, I often forget to take photo's. So this won't be a 56k no no. In fact 56K will be quite happy in here and you can still stay logged into your msn messenger time for a photo:
When I first bought the car:

It's current state of styling:

And now for the work....time to strip:

I must confess this photo isn't from my recent strip down as the styling has changed some what. However, the strip down was very similar in nature... I removed (what seemed like) everything visible and connected

Head was transported to the kitchen table (Mother was out) (yes I still live with my Mother):

As if by magic, the head was rebuilt:

With the addition of these (I actually had these made by a local engineering company and sold a bunch of extra sets on eBay as a little project):

Next the turbo was rebuilt with a new core:

Core look at that...

Never repair without upgrading. That's my motto:

Cleaned the pistons, block and prepped the area for the gasket & head:

ARP Studs....hopefully should help the gasket seal for longer than a week:

Head on boat ready to go on:

Yay progress...

From the previous stage to this one was a lot of colourful words and the use of a grinder and drill....turns out the "factory fit" after market inlet manifolds are anything but.

Had to build this bracket for the ECU mounting:

Getting there:

My Rad repair...bit of JB Weld. We'll see how it holds up:

Lick of paint:

And voila...

I know what you're thinking...why does he have yellow boost pipes. Well have you seen the price of new boost pipes?? Needless to say, they are due to be replaced once my car repair fund has been replenished from it's recent raid.
Also if you're wondering how the inlet manifold turned from silver to red, I commissioned the boss to help:

Item's not shown in the photos:
Changed a linkage part to tighten the sloppy shifter (supplied by M-tech)
Fitted a nice new Aux belt (cam belt will be changed also in the next few weeks)
Oil change with Fuchs GT1...
and copious amounts of cleaning and degreasing!
It's not actually running yet, so I may be posting this prematurely and it may all go horribly wrong but I'm due to fire it up at the weekend. (sprung a bit of an oil leak on the turbo when priming the oil lines which I'm in the process of repairing)
Thanks for reading! 
[Edited on 31-07-2016 by Sly_SRi]
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
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Registered: 30th Sep 14
Location: Gloucestershire
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Should definitely remember to take more photos and post more! I enjoyed reading
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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Nice car dude, how do you find it? I always fancied doing one of these.
Registered: 19th Apr 07
Location: Cumbria..........drunk..
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I like your boss, she looks younger, faster, and sportier than mine.
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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Glad you enjoyed the read, yes I will remember to take more photo's in future! I have no excuse really these days with camera technology on phones.
@jambo, greetings! It's been a while. Yes I actually love it tbh, it actually does everything I want it to do...daily driver (when it's on the road), fairly subtle when I park in a dodgy neighbourhood and yet it goes like the clappers! It's currently running 293 Bhp. With the new inlet manifold it should be just clear of 300. Scaryy. LSD needed! ha. I see you're driving a VXR, done any upgrades??
and I've yet to tell the boss that her photo has been posted online before passing her approval 
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 11th Sep 07
Location: Aberdeenshire
User status: Offline
Nice wee project there.
Can't help but notice you registered with CS in 2004 but profile says you were born 1996. Browsing forums at 8 yo?
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Hello mate, that build looks really good! Keep us posted
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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quote: Originally posted by Ellis
Nice wee project there.
Can't help but notice you registered with CS in 2004 but profile says you were born 1996. Browsing forums at 8 yo?
Yes that's how I roll. Haha, I must have clicked the wrong date! A decade out is fairly close... 
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Jason x
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Registered: 19th Apr 13
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Nice vehicle
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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Looks nice that, I hope when the fund replenishes and you order pipes that a crossover delete is on the list
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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quote: Originally posted by ShEp
Looks nice that, I hope when the fund replenishes and you order pipes that a crossover delete is on the list
Interestingly enough I actually have one already! In red! However....I need people's opinion on this..
Call me particular but basically I don't think it look red enough. It's more towards the pinkish end of the scale:

Looks sort of okay until you compare it to something that is a deep cherry red:

Am I being anal about this? or do you agree?
Anyway that's why I haven't fitted it yet. I think that the MTC Motorsport ones are better and redder having looked at the pictures so I think I'm probably going to swap it!
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
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Registered: 30th Sep 14
Location: Gloucestershire
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I think it looks flame pink so you're not alone haha
Registered: 7th Jul 09
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Yeah, definitely not
Proper red.
Usually the kind of red tou get with budget hoses. I don't know the make or price, but that's what I've found in the past
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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Brake Overhaul!
So I had a bit of an issue with the front brakes. Basically something went wrong when driving the car again for the first time due to the condition of the rusted discs and my heavy braking and the drivers side disc warped! Much to my annoyance...
...but I have a good credit rating and a new credit card sorted things out 
Yes I could have just replaced discs and pads but I'm a bit particular about repairing something, I just can't leave it as it is. I have to improve it! So decided to rebuild the calipers and change the colour to my new theme.
Here are some pics....
Old disc, you can see where the rust hasn't worn off correctly due to the warping:

Time to disassemble:

Actually a bit of life left in the pads but not much...

One of the reasons I refurbed the calipers is because I hate working with dirty car parts! I love cleannnnnnn

Btw. If, like me, you have a stoney-cut-up-your-nee-caps drive way then this is the best way you can spend £3.50...

Another dirty pic for you..

Clamp off the brake pipe

And the cleanup begins!..

I told my girlfriend I had ordered the stripper....she didn't laugh.

Cup of coffee to keep me focused

Getting there slowly!!

And finallyy after a lot of scrubbing and wire brushing....

Impressed aren't you? Admit it...
Ok, I'll come clean. I cheated. I gave up and took it to my local vapour blasting place. Man I wish I'd done it in the first place!! Learn from my mistake. Never clean something up again when an expert can do it for a tenner in 15 minutes 
Anyway, lesson learnt. Time for primer (I did do this bit myself):


...and assembly!

I wish I could say it was a simple case of assembling the lovely clean parts whilst sipping on a cold beer out in the sunshine. But tbh it was a right bugger. I ended up chipping the fresh paint and leaving grease stains in the laquer.
So I learnt a second lesson...Assemble during the primer stage and then paint carefully around the parts! Which I implemented on the other caliper...
New discs, custom ordered from M-tech in holland! Drilled from blanks, 4-stud 308mm Discs:

Anyway, Finished product:
Bit blurred

I don't have a pic of it with the wheel on, simply because the wheels are seriously dirty and I haven't had time to clean them up! But they look great 
So that's it for now.
Ready for PVS. 
[Edited on 28-05-2016 by Sly_SRi]
[Edited on 28-05-2016 by Sly_SRi]
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Mega clean, my caliper a were that yellow too. Took ages of painting over, not a good job really, compressed to yours anyway!
How much were your discs? As I need same
Size too
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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The discs were 168.00 Euro's. So roughly £130. Plus 19 Euro delivery. I was impressed how fast the delivery was too, ordered them on a Friday and they were with me on Monday.
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
That's actually a lot cheaper than expected.
Why was the price in Euros? Are you based overseas or are they?
Thanks for the help, were spigot rings supplied too, and noticed you have some fitted.
Do you have a link/number I can contact them
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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Here's the link:
The website can be a bit confusing but you can always email the guy directly and he's very helpful.
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 11th Apr 02
User status: Offline
Best brake overhaul I've seen since i did mine. Nice job. I ended up painting the whole surface on mine, i left bits like you but it rusted up so did them again.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
User status: Offline
Lovely job dude! My ocd likes the photo with all the parts laid out prior to assembly. I did mine myself on the M3 and I really enjoyed doing it, spent days with a wire wheel and sanding to get it perfect. Painted them with halfords "hi temp" caliper paint and they were rusty in 3 months.
Paint looks much better than what I used!
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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Thanks for the comments I actually used Engine Lacquer for them, same stuff I used on my inlet manifold. Very hard wearing and sets rock solid. Saves time also as the paint and lacquer are both in one.
The brakes feel really nice. Very smooth and lots of power to them. Only using OEM pads but they seem like enough power for my normal road usage.
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 18th May 07
Location: Middlesbrough
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Enjoyed reading this thread, miss my corsa C SRI, one of the best cars I've owned tbh.
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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Finally got round to fitting a crossover delete (been on my list of to-do's since I bought the car over 2 years ago!!) I decided to go for a neutral choice on
Installing Crossover Delete:

As it stands before fitting

Decided against buying a MAF extension cable as I have all the stuff to extend my own, plus I can then decide exactly what length I want it to be.

Did some work at the desk....but the rest I had to do in the car. Obviously..

I still need to fit some hose clips as the pipe didn't come with any! Bit cheeky if you ask me...but anyway.

And voila!

Btw, if you do fit one of these to your Corsa....good luck checking your oil level 
I think theres some sort of modified oil dipstick pipe but that'll have to wait. For now I'll have to try and wiggle it past the inlet somehow.


My brother took a video on the little test drive we did. Will upload it later! I was shocked how much louder it is!

Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 11th Sep 07
Location: Aberdeenshire
User status: Offline
That little rig you have for soldering wires is
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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They're dirt cheap from Aldi or Lidl when they come up Ellis, really useful