Registered: 25th Mar 03
Location: Cardiff, Wales Drives: 205 GTi 1.9
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1. it doesnt quite sit properly, it is hangng by the rubbers, both at full stretch, only thing i can think of it to twist the actual box but dont fancy trying that now, after takin 2+1/4 hours to get the old one off

2. I cant hear the damn thing from it. The engine is just way 2 noisy, not much i can do about that i suppose. guess thats just because its a diesel
Still it looks wicked anyways
Registered: 5th Jun 00
Location: Common Sense HQ
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get ford focus rubbers are re hang the box, if it still sits at an angle then it will need twisted
Registered: 6th Mar 03
Location: London/Essex
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looks well pissed 2 me
Fraser Young
Registered: 26th Dec 02
Location: Dundee City Drives: 58 Impreza WRX
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DOnt use rubbers... Use cable ties to mount it to exactly the height u want and angle etc... 4/6 ties, then use duct tape all over em to keep em in place... Hate rubbers!
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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id say use the rubbers-new ones- then add a couple of cable ties to straighten it out loosen the clamp on the pipe then when it sits straigt tighten the pipe up
job done
Registered: 25th Mar 03
Location: Cardiff, Wales Drives: 205 GTi 1.9
User status: Offline
okay, cheers for the tips fellas
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Sheffield
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You won't hear much from it if you stand behind it either, except more of a drone sort of noise, being a diesel n' all.
A strait through pipe to that back box would give ya less lag though 
Registered: 5th Jun 00
Location: Common Sense HQ
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quote: Originally posted by Rich-
You won't hear much from it if you stand behind it either, except more of a drone sort of noise, being a diesel n' all.
A strait through pipe to that back box would give ya less lag though 
how do u work that one out??
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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even a back box made a load of difference on mine, compared iot too my bros who has the same filter and standard bb, mine is way louder. can defo hear it, you must have a large silencer, my one is almost non existant.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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mine sits like that, one of the metal brackets sheared off, when i decided to jump a kerb...
Registered: 25th Mar 03
Location: Cardiff, Wales Drives: 205 GTi 1.9
User status: Offline
the brckets are definately ok, i reckon its just the angle the pipes went in to each other. cant be arsed cahnging it now. cable ties and locking wire aught to do the job i think
Fraser Young
Registered: 26th Dec 02
Location: Dundee City Drives: 58 Impreza WRX
User status: Offline
yeah the solution in that case is to bend the pipe where it joins... hammer an heated etc... Or do some cutting an trimming of pipes to have same effect! But if ure happy with it now then it's fine!
Registered: 16th Apr 02
Location: South Walez
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yeah the smaller the silencer the louder it'll be as there's less baffle inside.
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: plymouth Drives: Astra Sport
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Mounts are made from rubber for a reason. So the exhaust can flex if need be with the engine. Not being able to do this will put stress on the flexi joint and the welds.
Will need twisting.