Registered: 16th Jan 03
Location: Glam Uni - drives - 1.2 vegas
User status: Offline
Was thinking of getting some to do my lights behind speedometer and MFD and the interior light that comes on when you open the door, has any1 done this, does it look any good? You prob all say get LED's but i just wana see what it would look like.
Cheers guys, Jamie
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
User status: Offline
I painted my interior light, guess what - it heated up and melted the paint through - now its only low at the edges!
LED's all the way
Registered: 18th Jun 02
Location: Strood (Kent)
User status: Offline
can u get a direct replaement for the interior light then????
Registered: 18th Jun 03
Location: Swansea
User status: Offline
where can i get all those bulbs in led form and how hard is it 2 change the clock bulbs??
Registered: 25th Mar 03
Location: Cardiff, Wales Drives: 205 GTi 1.9
User status: Offline
clock bulbs are piss, just got to find LED replacement (im yet 2)