Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
User status: Offline
Hi Everyone,
Here's the pictures of my install so far. I have cut the amp base, made the stand for the amp and glued them altogether ready for the amp, so that when it's finished it sits at the right height. The Changer base is nearly cut, but low battery life on the Quattro means i can't do much at once!
After this is done the wiring will be put in, the CD Changer mounted and the side panels made. Once thats done, the top panels will be made and then carpeted.
Still not entirely sure how im gonna fix the install in place!
Problems so far: Seats swing into boot when they go down, so bases plates have had to have been cut back 2.5cm to allow for this. side panels will have a concave recess in their sides to also allow for this to happen.
The Stand so far:

The Stand with the Amp on it:
The Stand with the Amp on it (different angle):

Eventually it should look like this:

Comments welcome. MDF is 12mm on the base, 6mm tops when they go on. weighs a bit, holes in base are designed to save weight.
PS the amp is the wrong way around in the pics. Its going the other way in the end.
[Edited on 07-08-2003 by Mav 3000]
Registered: 30th Apr 02
Location: Perceton, North Ayrshire
User status: Offline
looking good m8
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
User status: Offline
Cheers! Made a cardboard template to get the curve of the side of the boot dow ok, 5cm gap around the edges for support,then middles cut out with two support arms under the amp stands to strengthen it and stop it flexing.
Registered: 21st Apr 03
Location: ipswich
User status: Offline
how did u do the cardboard template???
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
User status: Offline
Hi Adel,
I got some big cardboard (parents had some lying around otherwise supermarkets normally let you have some)
measured up the boot
drew it out on the cardboard with about 1cm excess
put it in boot
checked to seee where i had to trim
trimmed it
repeated until it was a perfect fit.
Quite easy, just patience needed- don't cut too much off!
Hope this helps.
Changer base being finished tonight. My other issues (in other threads) means i prob cant afford the amp wiring kit so can't do much more till am is ready to be mounted and wired.