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Author New (ish) Corsa 1.2 sxi - weird brake noise

Registered: 25th Aug 03
Location: Aberdeen
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   26th Aug 03 at 22:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My wife purchased a new sxi corsa last September. After about 3 months later she started to get a weird noise from the front of the car when braking slowly, usually in heavy traffic. The garage cleaned the pads and this was OK for a while but the noise keeps coming back.

It's been back to the garage several times, it's had new pads and lately new pad carriers.

All these things work for a while but the noise always returns.
This is not the usual brake noise (I thought I had heard them all) it's a kind of creaking noise like a dry bushing in the suspension makes.

Most bizarrely the car/brakes have to be warm before the noise starts.

If anyone out there has come across anything like this before I would be very grateful to hear from you.

Here's hoping

[Edited on 26-08-2003 by niteowl]
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26th Aug 03 at 23:45   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not heard of that one before. Is the sound constant throughout travel while braking? ie. not caused by weight transfer?

Registered: 11th Jul 03
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27th Aug 03 at 01:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have same problem..its a squaeking noise? correct? bit like chalk on blackboard...but it only occurs when braking slightly at low speed.i had brakes clean still does it so..leave it lol...

Registered: 25th Mar 02
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27th Aug 03 at 01:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yea i get this too.
crawling/ breakin in traffic queues. doesn't bother me too much.

Registered: 18th Feb 03
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27th Aug 03 at 02:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have the same problem and to resolve it clean the brake coz brake dust is building up but it happens every now and then to me still so you just wind up the window and crank up ur ice so you wont hear a thing

Registered: 28th Jun 02
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27th Aug 03 at 08:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Intresting post this,

I recently took my corsa c SXi ack to the dealer as i was sick with the constant squeeking sound i was getting from my drivers side. They was very good and booked me in the next day for somone to have a look at it. Anyway turned up, after about 10 mins of the bloke just looking at my car and drooling over it he finally took it into the workshop got it on the ramps and took the wheels off.

He said he greased them up, which i could see as he had smeared it ALL over my loval gold calipers, Anyway he said its a common porblem on the new corsa and i wont have any problems now.

Got in my car, thanked them as they done it all for free and drove off, got to the first set of traffic lights (about 200 meters down the road) and you guessed squeeking noises like i had never heard before! now its was worse!!!

I decided to turn around and and ask what was going on? and if i had just been sat in their show room waiting for my car to be fixed for nothing.

They said sorry etc and told me that they would have to book me in next week for somone to have a good look at them.

So here i am today without my car, and with some cheap arse corsa c model,

Hopefully they will fix the problem, as it really is annoying!



Registered: 16th Jul 03
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27th Aug 03 at 08:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

iits a sign from god that you need a brake conversion. try changing the discs to a grooved equivalent ie and upgarde the pads to a fast road compound now the only sound you hear is a slight huming as the grooves de-glaze the pads. sorted

Registered: 23rd Sep 02
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27th Aug 03 at 08:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I get this noise on my Corsa C Sxi. I'm sure its coming from the rear right brake drum tho.

It only does it when its hot and when i'm braking lightly.

Registered: 14th Sep 01
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27th Aug 03 at 10:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Red_Sxi
I get this noise on my Corsa C Sxi. I'm sure its coming from the rear right brake drum tho.

It only does it when its hot and when i'm braking lightly.

i had that on the back. was a leaking wheel cylinder. still does it a bit, but mostly stopping at the bottom of steep hills

Registered: 23rd Sep 02
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27th Aug 03 at 10:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If that was wots wrong with mine surely i'd notice signs of brake fluid in places? Or a loss in brake fluid reserviour.

Registered: 17th Dec 02
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27th Aug 03 at 11:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have a problem with mine, front driverside, at very slow speeds, sounds like the brake is catching each time the wheel turns but nothing is gettin hot. It stops when they are warmed up.

Registered: 5th Apr 03
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27th Aug 03 at 12:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I used to have same problem, but it's stopped doing it @ the moment!
But I get a creeking noise from the back now when ya go over bumbs, sounds like the creek ya get when u put the handbrake on and them everyone gets out of car and car goes up a bit more, well dodgy but dont really bother me too much.
Jason Iles

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27th Aug 03 at 12:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I had this prob and after lots of messing about in my garage I found it was the metal clips at the bottom of the pads.
Spoke to the local garage and was told the clips are there to make this noise when the pads get low and need changing, but mine did this with new pads on

In the end I got so pi55ed off with it I took the clips off and just keep an eye on the level of the pads, seems to have solved the problem

[Edited on 27-08-2003 by J 11ESY]
dannycorsa c

Registered: 8th Mar 03
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27th Aug 03 at 17:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

had same prob just took the clips off! still squeek tho coz i got a big lip on the disc as it could do with new1s
Paul H

Registered: 11th Aug 03
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   27th Aug 03 at 17:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

same problem on mine i have tried changing pads,clips,discs and it still does it.
dannycorsa c

Registered: 8th Mar 03
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27th Aug 03 at 18:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im selling mine any1 wanna buy it

Registered: 25th Aug 03
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27th Aug 03 at 19:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thanks for the replies so far. Quite a few things to think about. This is obviously not an isolated problem with this model.
si_reading describes the noise very well but seems to get it under different circumstances.

In reply to Ian's question, it doesn't get worse the harder she brakes. It is worse when applying about half pressure on the pedal in slow moving traffic. It starts off quite bearable, but after a few weeks get's really noisy and very annoying.

The car is due it's 12 month service soon, but I know I'm going to have a real fight with the garage as they don't have a clue what to do next

On the bright side I believe it has been given some sort of fault trace number by Vauxhall. I'll keep you posted.

So if anyone else wants theirs fixed, get down to your vauxhall garage and make use of that 3 year warranty. Give 'em hassle. We might get something done
1.6 Sport BadBoy

Registered: 16th Jul 03
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27th Aug 03 at 19:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Yeah, quite a common one this. my mams running a corsa C as are 3 of my mates, all have the same problem! I've been through 2 sets of pads in less than a year already. my mates got an sxi and he's been through 3! and had the car about 6 months!

he took his into the vauxhall garage where he bought it from and they replaced them with vauxhalls own. within two weeks of them replacing the 1st set, the 2nd set had crumbled!

its a right git trying to get rid of that noise though, mine only happens when im on the motorway, then occasionally after that round normal roads.

I would suggest uprating your pads to a know brand, thats seemed to have calmed my squeeky noise a bit, maybe even a full disk/pad conversion if your not worried about your warrenty.

Anyway, hope this has been of some help matey

Registered: 28th May 02
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27th Aug 03 at 21:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah, I also get this on my C. it only started a few months ago. Seems to be coming from the drivers side wheel on mine - a very high pitched squeaking sound.

I took it back to vaux and they said it was a common problem and told me they will re-glaze the front and rear brakes. so after that was done it was ok for about 100 miles then it came back again! sooo annoying! It seems to be getting worse now as it squeaks constantly while driving, then stops when I apply light pressure to the brakes but squeaks again the harder I brake!

I was thinking of getting some new pads that might help solve the problem – anyone tried the EBC Green Stuff ones yet?

Registered: 24th Sep 02
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29th Aug 03 at 10:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've got front brake squeaking when braking really lightly in traffic or slow moving queues, this is more than likely dusty/dirty brakes and discs....try cleaning them properly, maybe even try taking the calipers and discs off and give them a good clean, u mite even find ur pads are worn out??? I think mine need changing. As far as the creaking goes....this can be the rear brake bias valve. When this gets a lil rusty/dirty etc like mine it creaks when u go over any small bump at a slow speed, its located right on the underneath of the car by the rear axle and looks like a coiled spring about 10 cm ish long. Just give it sum oiling or change it, can't cost too much no idea tho.

But as sum1 said stick ya tunes up loud and won't know either of them r there.
bad boy flip

Registered: 30th Mar 06
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20th May 06 at 22:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

this sounds like a bad engines

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