MoNkEy MaGiC
Registered: 12th Apr 03
Location: West - London Drives: Corsa GSi
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taking it to about 5k rev is not ragging it!
but is their really a point, because their are so many camera's and mobile units about now that its not worth it unless your on a track
but anyway, even upto 6k rev is ok if the car is maintained and engine kept in good condition, its only when u hitting the redline a lot and keeping it their that it could be argued that your thrasing it lol, but if its a 1.0 or 1.2 its not really designed with ragging in mind!
Registered: 10th Sep 03
Location: Boreham, Essex
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quote: Originally posted by j0hn
ha - u'v never poked a 15 yr old chav???
nope cant say i have
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Stockport
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any holes a goal
Registered: 2nd Mar 04
Location: Gloucestershire UK
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all you 1.2 boys! why are you even trying to make them go quick? they just dont go! LMAO
James R
Registered: 4th Feb 03
Location: 205GTi16/306GTi16
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Mines too loud to ever open it up unless in the middle of nowhere. Otherwise ppl look and are dissappointed to see a nova
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Mill Hill East, Greater London
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i cruise @ 5000rpm on the motorway!
I don't bounce off the limiter tho, usually change just before the limiter when i'm in the mood.
Registered: 6th Apr 05
Location: halesowen - birmingham
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i live my life in the red!!!!
Registered: 12th Apr 04
Location: Amersham, Buckinghamshire/Kingston-upon-Thames
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quote: Originally posted by Mather.16v
any holes a goal

too right
Registered: 30th Jan 05
Location: Wales/midlands drives: 1.6 16v
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quote: Originally posted by c4rsa-sport
i live my life in the red!!!!
Im guessing you dont put much petrol in it then j/k 
I have a beast of a 1.2, too right its that slow theres no point in even raggin it 
Tried it once, got 55mph on the limiter in 2nd, then decided to change gear before a piston decided to go through the crankcase to say hello 
[Edited on 25-04-2005 by Poot]
Registered: 27th Jan 05
Location: Southend
User status: Offline
Another reason for speeding past 15 yr old chav females, is that they are so UGLY!!
Avril Lavigne Jail bait much more pleasing to the eye
I find the car iddles quite high if I have been tearing around in 1st, 2nd.
Registered: 9th Feb 05
Location: Grimsby
User status: Offline
mines nicely sitting in the garage doing 0 miles an hour with no lights no bumper no washers and no windows ready to be sprayed from white to black then sold!
my 205 turbos far more fun
Registered: 27th Jan 05
Location: Southend
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by White_1.2
mines nicely sitting in the garage doing 0 miles an hour with no lights no bumper no washers and no windows ready to be sprayed from white to black then sold!
my 205 turbos far more fun
I bet is. However I bet the 15 yr old chavs arent so keen. Begining to look slightly dated.
Roll on summer, TVR Chrimera, roof down. Now thats fun! Unless the bugger cuts out at the traffic lights.
Registered: 9th Feb 05
Location: Grimsby
User status: Offline
lol aye the open tops are nice ive got a tiger kit car that needs a few bits doing to it mainly the battery charging and a good blow down the road, been stood for a good 6 months or so while the weathers been poo.
[Edited on 26-04-2005 by White_1.2]
Andy GSi
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: Shropshire, Drives 2.0l 16v Corsa
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i hardly go over 4k, dont need to when u have a valver. i very rarly go to the limiter, only racing, and never do that much no more! im a good boy now
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
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I used to drive my car like i had stolen it, 7500rpm anyone, i had to cruise around 5000rpm just to be at the start of the power band
Registered: 9th Feb 05
Location: Grimsby
User status: Offline
im hating my corsa with a vengance now cant afford for new engine in it and the pug 205's doing far better at 110 and off the clock to the 1.2 8v 75 tops in 5th gear pmsl.
so im gonna get rid of the rust spots respray it black and it'll be a nice 40mm lowered corsa for someone else to rag
Registered: 12th Apr 04
Location: Amersham, Buckinghamshire/Kingston-upon-Thames
User status: Offline
wud tel ya wot revs im at but mine aint tellin!
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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I find you have to rag the XE a bit to get the best perofrmance out of it, usually rev to around 5k just driving around
Registered: 29th Nov 02
Location: St Albans Drives: JDM Celica GT4 WRC
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^ second that
below 4k the XE is un-willing to fly...
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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i hate revving the engine too much (1.2 8v) its a waste of time, and i dont like hurting the poor little shopping trolley
Registered: 10th Apr 02
Location: Berkhamsted, Drives Mk4 R32
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Petrol is too expensive at the mo to drive either of my cars, let alone drive them hard 
[Edited on 27-04-2005 by Meat-Pie-SRI]
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Now I know who not to buy cars off in the future
j10E W
Registered: 30th Sep 04
Location: maidstone
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i have to rag mine to get the heap to even move
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: Thornhill, West Yorkshire
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I do find it rude not to give it some i did;t build it to drive it like a fag take it atleast 8k every change