Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
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Personally on my PS2 i prefer to play racing games, I have loads of them out of 25 games the only ones i have that are not racing games are Fifa 2002 and half life 
My Xbox is more for games other than racing i.e Halo, Halo2 Championship manager..
My PC i tend to play Medal of honour (got all of them) half life and halflife 2, doom and doom 3 those types of games..
What do you all play and does anyone else feel that Racing games are harder on PC and are more suited for consoles?? i do
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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I prefer racing games (well GT) on PS2. Maybe when i get Doom for my Xbox ill prefer that for those type of games too.
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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i dont really play my PS2, but if i was to, itd be a racing or football game.
xbox - forza 
pc - FPS like COD, doom, MOH, HL2 etc.
consoles are S H I T E for FPS
(except goldeneye 64)
Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
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quote: Originally posted by dave17
consoles are S H I T E for FPS
(except goldeneye 64)
Agreed.. What a Game Goldeneye 64 was Might rush out and Buy an N64 tomorrow just for some old skool bond shootem ups with my old man!!
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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best off getting it on an emulator for your pc mate, I played it not long ago 4-player split screens and it was slow as fcuk 
makes you realise how far games have come since then
Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
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I collect Consoles Already bought a Mastersystem and Megadrive got loads of games for them for only £20 (the LOT) So i'll try and get a cheap N64 with loads of games aswell
I prefer playing games on Consoles unless it's something like MOHAA
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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Mario Kart 64 is still a firm favourite amongst the lads
Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
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oh yes mario kart 64 my ex used to whip my ass at that
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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gf whips my ass at the new Mario Kart on the gamecube
Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
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Thank god I am nt alone i think they just bottle up their rage and then unleash it on Mario kart it's so unfair
Gotta Admit me and my Ex Never argued when i had my old N64.... the arguing just came when i bought the Corsa
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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we usually end up fcuking after a session of Mario Kart I think she takes pity on me
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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i used to play Taxi on the dreamcast with one of my x's, she loved it 
and she was pretty good at mario kart too 
i seriously used to pwn at goldeneye though, my mates hated me
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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quote: Originally posted by dave17
i used to play Taxi on the dreamcast with one of my x's, she loved it 
and she was pretty good at mario kart too 
i seriously used to pwn at goldeneye though, my mates hated me
proximity mines on the back of doors and on spawn points??
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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of course 
used to be quality when people started in the vents on facility (?). used to bomb the shit outa it
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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remember the facility well...
single player, trying to crack it in some stupid time and it all depended on whether the scientist with the decoder was in the right spot
Used to have some fun with that game...
On the first level, there was an island to the right of the damn which you could see through your sniper rifle... what was all that about
Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
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Golden Gun on 2 player I used to pn on that aswell 
The facility was awesome
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Registered: 8th Jul 03
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FPS and racing game son my pc (only coz i have a wheel)