Registered: 6th Dec 05
User status: Offline
hi, i posted a while ago about removing the dash but never actually got round to doing it, until now.
i have removed all the smaller bits: air vents, glove box, steering wheels, clocks, centre dash etc.
Ive noticed theres 2 screws on either side of the dash, 1 at the bottom in the middle behind the ash tray, 1 smack bang in the centre(although this looks like its holding the vent shafts on).
how many other screws are there? where are they located? and if theyre awkward to get to what is the best possible route? thanks
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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theres some pain in the arse ones all along the underside of the glovebox and stuff. i still havent managed to get mine out
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
Location: Drives: E39
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under the scuttle panel there are 2, one each side
Registered: 6th Dec 05
User status: Offline
thanking you. ill get it sorted out 2morrow now as if i carry on it'll go into valuable drinking time
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
there are 2 in each side, can only get to by opening the door fully
under the scuttle there are 3, one your might have to removes the wiper motor and linkage to get to