Registered: 7th Feb 05
Location: Iwade, Sittingbourne
User status: Offline
batter y off, move some wires, header tank, just move what you need to to get to it.
tbh i found my one really easy had it out within 10 mins of getting everything out the way.
when you put it back in id say put some gasket sealant between the valve and the new gasket to stop it falling off when you put the valve back.
mine had a build up a load of crap and stuck closed, so if its that, i sorted it by puttin fine valve grinding paste round the edge where contact is made (youll see what i mean when you get it out) found a screwdriver and a bit that just fits in the end of the lil valve, and gave it a lil spin to clean the contact surfaces / rim, and then cleaned it all up inside n out, whacked it back in the car and never had a problem since 
or just blank it lol.