Registered: 28th Nov 07
Location: Peterborough
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My PC decided to melt yesterday, in rather random circumstances. Basically i turned my TV and video player on to watch a video (i know its old), turned around and my computer had turned itself on, and the lights and screen on the front were flickering. Got closer and all i could smell was burning plastic and electronics!!! Turned it off, and now it wont turn back on. Managed to save the hardrive, and ordered a new PSU off ebay for £24. Had to rebuild my old PC in order to go on internet. Fun. Anyone else's PC done anything similar?
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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nope never had that happen, my aunts and uncles did the same due to dust buildup iirc. (dont see how that did it but hey). they lost everything though.
Premium Member
Registered: 6th Feb 08
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Yep mine decide to stop working not long back, just had another built, was less hassle.
Registered: 28th Nov 07
Location: Peterborough
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Well with any luck it hasnt fried the motherboard. That will be a bitch to replace cos im a little short on cash atm!!
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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Both mine and my dads have done it at least once, however mine was fairly spectacular...took out the HDD aswell as had to get all data back by swapping logic boards.
My old mans went the other day, was about 8 years old, just made a horrendous noise and wouldnt turn back on, even with a different psu. Was ace
Registered: 28th Nov 07
Location: Peterborough
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Well my new PSU should arrive in a cpl of days. Ive spent today cleaning out the case and all the components, they were so choked up with dust. Also took apart the old PSU, and had to use a brush to get rid of the dust inside. Was a good cpl of mm's thick!!
Registered: 7th Feb 03
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Mine went pop when i flicked the switch from 220v to 110v and turned it on Flicked the switch back, took the computer back to Curries (this was when I was like 12 ) and got it fixed under warranty, the repair guy said he'd never seen anything like that just "happen" before!
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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you took apart your psu? that was clever..
the reason it died is because it was probably a cheap one off ebay..
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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Something I always advise people when I build computers for them and they ask why Im buying such an expensive power supply, I refuse to build someone a PC unless they will agree to purchase a better than needed PSU
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by Russ
you took apart your psu? that was clever..
I've opened up a PSU to swap fans out. Never had an issue?
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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quote: Originally posted by _Allan_
quote: Originally posted by Russ
you took apart your psu? that was clever..
I've opened up a PSU to swap fans out. Never had an issue?
psu's can still carry a charge even when unplugged. 
i've changed fans in PSU's, but i didnt get messing around in there.
Registered: 11th Aug 04
Location: Bexleyheath, Greater London
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My PSU was dropping voltage, getting errors at POST etc.
Open up the PSU, quick hoover and it seemed to sort it
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Highland
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quote: Originally posted by drunkenfool
Mine went pop when i flicked the switch from 220v to 110v and turned it on Flicked the switch back, took the computer back to Curries (this was when I was like 12 ) and got it fixed under warranty, the repair guy said he'd never seen anything like that just "happen" before!
Ive done that
Registered: 16th Jun 05
Location: Fife, Scotland
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quote: Originally posted by ChrisBoom
quote: Originally posted by drunkenfool
Mine went pop when i flicked the switch from 220v to 110v and turned it on Flicked the switch back, took the computer back to Curries (this was when I was like 12 ) and got it fixed under warranty, the repair guy said he'd never seen anything like that just "happen" before!
Ive done that
me2 i didnt have aclue what it was for, i bloody shat myself too with the big bright flash in the face and smoke
Registered: 8th Jan 05
Location: Darlington
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My motherboard stopped altogether a few weeks ago, I bought it in 2006 thought it might be out of warranty. Just found the box, its got 3 year warranty - result. However, it has to be sent to Asus (based abroad) and it may take 4-8 weeks
Registered: 28th Nov 07
Location: Peterborough
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Recieved new PSU this morning, plugged it in and, nothing. No light, no power. I thought the MB was completely fooked. Had a look on google, said to reset the CMOS thru the jumpers, did that, recieved green LED light. Im so happy!!!! Just gotta w8 till 2mrw for the thermal compund to arrive and then i can put it all back togeva.
Registered: 28th Nov 07
Location: Peterborough
User status: Offline
Quick update, put computer back together now, works like a dream still. I sorted out cable management as well, looks a bit tidy inside there now. All's sorted!! 
Registered: 16th Apr 07
Location: South East Kent Drives: E46 M3
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I blew 3 PSU's on my old computer in a week. I decided after that it was time for a new PC.