Registered: 20th Mar 06
Location: Bedfordshire
User status: Offline
Hi there I#ve got a problem.
My car wont start up. When you turn key to pos 3. and start up the starter motor. you can hear the engine trying to start up but it is severley stuttering as if the pistons were either misfiring or they were out of sync! But I have checked my timing belt and there's no problem. The Ignition coil and spark plugs are all OK so its def not that.
i was driving along as normal when all of a sudden the engine lost power and was stuttering as if it not all the pistons were firing. This has happened twice beforehand and has always happened when it has been raining/wet.
One thing which has happened is my ECU light in my dashboard has flashed beforehand and my tech 2 reader has identified that my Crankshaft Sensor is faulty. Is it possible that the faulty sensor can cause these symptoms?
Ill be thankful for any feedback
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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When the engine isn't running, I think you always get a crankshalf sensor fault?
Correct me if I'm wrong though
Registered: 20th Mar 06
Location: Bedfordshire
User status: Offline
no the ecu light came on whilst im driving. even when I try and start up the engine the ticking over of the engine isnt smooth and in time if you follow me, its completely erratic and as said before is stuttering.
Also when its stuttering the engine will come to an abrupt halt. Then after a second pause will try and dtart up again all whilst the key is in position 3.
I know its not my battery and its definately not a serious mechanical problem (eg with the pistons and the valves) its just my car since I have had it has been plagued with electrical faults.
Registered: 20th Mar 06
Location: Bedfordshire
User status: Offline
^ bump
Registered: 20th Mar 06
Location: Bedfordshire
User status: Offline
ok just got a diagnostic on my car. it is the crankshaft sensor. To ellaborate further when I start my car up the starter motor starts up as normal then you know the noise you hear when the engine is beginning to fire up (the transition between starter motor turning and the engine actually ticking over) well I get up to that stage but if you follow me just the very moment before the engine sucessfully ignites and ticks over it comes to an abrupt halt leaving no doubt in my mind its the crank sensor.
I've located it in my engine however it has a built in lead to it which goes alongside the engine and runs in between the inlet manifold and the camshaft housing into a plug.
Therefore will I need to take off the manifold what else is required
Wil I need to :-
* buy new gaskets
* tightened back the nuts that secure the manifold to a certain torque.
Also I understand that I need an o-ring for the sensor. Is this true and where does it go
P.s. The crank sensor isnt actually touching the wheel fixed at the bottom of my engine which is connected to the drive belt. IS this normal
lol I know itsa long paragraph but I badly need ur help
thanks in advance for any feedback
Registered: 6th Mar 08
Location: Cumbria
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try changing the crankshaft sensor bud,a fault with that could stop it firing over
Registered: 26th Nov 07
Location: Chesterfield
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You dont need to take off the inlet manifold to fit a new crank sensor, you can fit the connector between the runners on the inlet manifold, Ive done this myself. It does sound like it could be a crank senbsor fault but as pow said it always comes up when you do a diagnostics test so I wouldnt rely on it too much.
Try fitting the crank sensor and just connecting it up, if it wortks then start running the wire round the engine where it should go, If not youve not wasted your time passing it around.
Registered: 26th Nov 07
Location: Chesterfield
User status: Offline
And what engine is it?
Registered: 20th Mar 06
Location: Bedfordshire
User status: Offline
corsa B 1.4 16V Sport (X14XE)
[Edited on 12-09-2008 by greenelephant]