Registered: 23rd Mar 08
User status: Offline
ok so firstly i should give some detail of the car its a 96 corsa 1.2 8v engine so i take it is carbd and has no ecu yes???
i was driving down the road last nite down 30mph in 5th gear and i felt al lose in power and my power steering go. then i dropped it a gear to fourth, third, second and first gear but still no power so i pulled in at the side of the road. waited a minute then started it again and it was ok, then got about a quarter of a mile down the road and the same thing happened so i parked it up in a car park and a friend came round. now we didnt do anything as it was pitch black but if i got it started then it would run ok for maybe 1 minute then running as if its off a cylinder and then going back to normal and doing the same thing for the same length of time.
Could this have been dirty petrol or would it be something to do with the carb what do you think???
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
User status: Offline
Its not a carb.. its single point injection.
Registered: 23rd Mar 08
User status: Offline
o rite i thought they were the same lol what do you think could be wrong??
Registered: 23rd Mar 08
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Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
User status: Offline
Could be anything.. checked the water and oil? plugs? leads? is it a distributor model? idle control valve?
Registered: 23rd Mar 08
User status: Offline
the plug leads go into a square box not a round 1.... i took the cover off the throttle body and i was watching the injector squirt the fuel in and it seemed like it was spraying to much fuel everytime it chokes itself and then next time when i tried to start it the injector sprayed alot of petrol out around the engine... what could be the problem could i just need to replace the injector or how do i no if there is a idle control valve in my car and how hard is it to replace?????