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Author Vista 32Bit to 64Bit

Registered: 8th Oct 03
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29th Oct 08 at 23:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Right I have vista business 32bit, I am tempted to wipe it and start with a fresh install after muchos playing trying to get CS4 to work I think there are bits of old installs etc hanging around.

While I am at it, would there be any advantages/disadvantages in running the 64 bit version?

I have MSDNAA so both versions are legit and free

Just after a list of pro's and con's if possible

[Edited on 29-10-2008 by Doug]

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30th Oct 08 at 01:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There are none. Everything I own runs on x64 Vista, as long as you dont use no shitty legacy apps.

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30th Oct 08 at 01:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

do you have to change motherboard etc to switch from 32 to 64?

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30th Oct 08 at 02:55   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You need two processors. so unless your current one has two then yes

I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.

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30th Oct 08 at 08:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ste W
You need two processors. so unless your current one has two then yes

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30th Oct 08 at 08:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Two processors

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30th Oct 08 at 08:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Why would anyone want to use vista 64bit!

32bit is fine and has far less problems.

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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30th Oct 08 at 11:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Because 64bit addresses more memory, can do everything that 32 bit does and also doesn't have any problems, probably.

The question should be, why would anyone with a 64bit processor be using 32 bit?

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30th Oct 08 at 12:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by FruitBooTeR
Why would anyone want to use vista 64bit!

32bit is fine and has far less problems.

Registered: 18th Jan 07
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30th Oct 08 at 12:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
Because 64bit addresses more memory, can do everything that 32 bit does and also doesn't have any problems, probably.

The question should be, why would anyone with a 64bit processor be using 32 bit?

Its just a pointless change imo, yeh you can usalize more ram but who cares..

If your gonna change to 64bit keep this in mind -

Your going to need new drivers for most apps on your comp as 64bit has no compatibility with existing 32-bit drivers.

Compatibility is worse, and it isn't (overall) any faster for 32-bit software

The performance gains from vista 64 is pointless atm would be better to wait until 64-bit compiled versions of software is the norm.

Only good thing is DirectX10 and very high settings in crysis

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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30th Oct 08 at 13:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

But vista 64 does it all AND does the 32 bit stuff as well.

So you have the 32bit stuff plus you have all the 64bit stuff.

Unless you have some legacy stuff, as already said, it's a no lose situation.
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30th Oct 08 at 13:46   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

most apps now come with 64bit drivers..

the only problem your going to have is running old games and programs.

but saying that i can run duke nukem 3d on my version of x64 and doom.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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30th Oct 08 at 13:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by FruitBooTeR
Originally posted by John
Because 64bit addresses more memory, can do everything that 32 bit does and also doesn't have any problems, probably.

The question should be, why would anyone with a 64bit processor be using 32 bit?

Its just a pointless change imo, yeh you can usalize more ram but who cares..

If your gonna change to 64bit keep this in mind -

Your going to need new drivers for most apps on your comp as 64bit has no compatibility with existing 32-bit drivers.

Compatibility is worse, and it isn't (overall) any faster for 32-bit software

The performance gains from vista 64 is pointless atm would be better to wait until 64-bit compiled versions of software is the norm.

Only good thing is DirectX10 and very high settings in crysis

FPMSL I would continue to actually read up 64bit as you seem to no naff all!

However, YES you should run a 64bit OS!

NO, you don't need two processors, or a multi-cored processor. Just make sure the processor is 64bit.

YES, you need 64bit drivers for hardware (printers, motherboard, graphics/sound cards etc), but like john said, unless you have ancient hardware then most manufactures have Vista64/XP64 drivers available.

NO, compatibility isn't worse. Most 32 bit applications will happily run under a 64bit OS. Although there are a few selective apps that will complain.

As for performance gains, unless it's a 64bit application then you probably won't notice any difference with 32bit apps. However, if you have 4GB+ ram then you'll certainly notice the difference whilst multi-tasking.
Most difference i found was to use XP64 rather than Vista64, with some of my DAW apps and music plugins actually performing better under XP64.

Registered: 18th Jan 07
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30th Oct 08 at 14:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dom
Originally posted by FruitBooTeR
Originally posted by John
Because 64bit addresses more memory, can do everything that 32 bit does and also doesn't have any problems, probably.

The question should be, why would anyone with a 64bit processor be using 32 bit?

Its just a pointless change imo, yeh you can usalize more ram but who cares..

If your gonna change to 64bit keep this in mind -

Your going to need new drivers for most apps on your comp as 64bit has no compatibility with existing 32-bit drivers.

Compatibility is worse, and it isn't (overall) any faster for 32-bit software

The performance gains from vista 64 is pointless atm would be better to wait until 64-bit compiled versions of software is the norm.

Only good thing is DirectX10 and very high settings in crysis

FPMSL I would continue to actually read up 64bit as you seem to no naff all!

However, YES you should run a 64bit OS!

NO, you don't need two processors, or a multi-cored processor. Just make sure the processor is 64bit.

YES, you need 64bit drivers for hardware (printers, motherboard, graphics/sound cards etc), but like john said, unless you have ancient hardware then most manufactures have Vista64/XP64 drivers available.

NO, compatibility isn't worse. Most 32 bit applications will happily run under a 64bit OS. Although there are a few selective apps that will complain.

As for performance gains, unless it's a 64bit application then you probably won't notice any difference with 32bit apps. However, if you have 4GB+ ram then you'll certainly notice the difference whilst multi-tasking.
Most difference i found was to use XP64 rather than Vista64, with some of my DAW apps and music plugins actually performing better under XP64.

I think youl find what I said is correct mate, you have just basicly agreed with everything I said take your FPMSL I would continue to actually read up 64bit as you seem to no naff all and stfu

Only thing you think differently is the compatibility and I still think its worse as some programes wont be compatible (the majority will yes but its still not all of them) where as everything is fine in 32bit.


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30th Oct 08 at 14:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by FruitBooTeR
where as everything is fine in 32bit.

If you're running a 386 or an old Cyrix based system then i can see you having problems!

But you fail to understand that a 64bit OS does 99% (The list of apps that don't work is tiny, i've only ever had problems with compilers/debuggers and stupidly old software for which there were updates that work fine under XP64) what a 32bit OS can do, so what's the point in restricting yourself?

Exactly there isn't

[Edited on 30-10-2008 by Dom]

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30th Oct 08 at 14:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by FruitBooTeR
Why would anyone want to use vista 64bit!

32bit is fine and has far less problems.
You are making that statement based on some morons 'blog' posts or on actual experience?

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30th Oct 08 at 14:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There is just too much shit in this post to even think of replies too. Please, can people who don't know what they are talking about, stop copying and pasting from Wikipedia in order to look smart

Registered: 8th Oct 03
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30th Oct 08 at 16:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So to sum it up.....

Yes I should be using it?

Thats the system, so I shouldnt have any problems on the processor or RAM front

Registered: 26th Jan 03
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30th Oct 08 at 17:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Doug - yes use the 64bit version.

FruitBooTeR - I've not heard as much arse as that in quite some time! Your trying to say we should just not bother utilising the full feature set of a CPU and stay back in the stone age?? Christ! I run a pure 64bit version of Linux - no issues. I've not even bothered enabling IA32 emulation in the kernel, as everything is built for 64bit... Am I therefor wasting my time and being pointless by not sticking with a 32bit setup??


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30th Oct 08 at 17:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

FruitBooTeR -


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30th Oct 08 at 17:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im just finishing the backup now......

Time to take the plunge


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31st Oct 08 at 00:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think now, the only issue I have with my x64 machine is I can't run Theme Hospital on it as it's a 16 bit app

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31st Oct 08 at 00:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

But it's well worth it, a full 4gb of RAM is very useful if you actually use your computer for proper things...

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