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Panasonic (can't remember the model)
Nokia 3300
Nokia 8310
Sony Ericsson T610
Nokia 6680
Sony Ericsson K800i
Sony Ericsson K850i
that took some remembering
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Sunbury, Surrey
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Bosch 509e

Nokia 402

Vodaphone MN-1 (in gold)

Sony J5

Nokia 6610

Nokia 3200

Motorola E398

Nokia 6680

Motorola V3x

Nokia E65

Nokia E71
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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far too many, doubt i could find pics of them all!
massive motorola brick, v3, nokia 5110, 3210, 3210 modified to vibrate, 3310, 3330, 7110, 6630, n95 8gb, ericson t68 ,sonyericson t68i se t610 se t630 white, se t630 black, se k750, ww800, w880, w960, samsung d500, d600, d800, g600, soul, blackberry storm.
done. shit thats a lot of phones!
Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
Location: Kent
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I had an old sagem when vodafone PAYT first came out. You could send messages on it but you couldn't search your phone book, you had to know the number and key it in. Used to be ammusing when you got messages back off strangers as you thought you knew someones number!
found the bad boy! the old sagem mc series.

I had an mc7 something at first. I took it to school and it got nicked 
Me and my mum had to go to Tesco and spend £50 on a new one because if my dad found out he would of gone ape They didn't have the MC7xx so had to get an MC8xx...what an upgrade that wasn't!
Also my mum had one of the old classic BT cellnet phones when they first came out. I tried putting a pin on it, got it wrong 3 times and locked it so that the PUK needed putting in. Kept guessing random numbers until it locked itself Mum wasn't happy as it had over £50 worth of credit on it!
Then I got my first contract when i was year 8 at school, first bill came in at over £270. I bet you can imagine how over the moon my old man was!
[Edited on 22-12-2008 by Rob R]
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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if i post pictures of the phones ive owned.....
Game over for the internet.
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Kurt
then i had a 7600 (leaf phone) was cool because no one else could text on it 

That was the coolest phone ever
My list is something like
Alcatel OT Pro
Bosch 509e
Nokia 6110
Motorola T180
Sony Ericsson T68i
Nokia 3210
Nokia 8250
Nokia 8310
Sendo M550
Sagem My312x
Sendo M550 (2nd)
Sendo M550 (3rd)
Siemens MCT60 (Turned out to be a fake...bought from Woolworths !)
Sony Ericsson K700
Nokia 7600
Nokia 6021
Sony Ericsson W900
Nokia N73
Blackberry 7100v
Nokia 6021 (2nd)
Sony Ericsson W910i
Sony Ericsson T280i
I know i have missed some out, and the order might not be exact....But thats over the last 6 years 
[Edited on 22-12-2008 by Neo]
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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some old motorola first phone,
some old son ericcson which i still had iirc
then old motorola flip phone
then sony k750i
sony k800i
htc touch
probably missed some out lol.
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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Motorola M3688
Maxon MN1
Nokia 5110
Nokia 3310
Nokia 8210
Nokia 8250
Nokia 6510
Nokia 7210
Panasonic GD87
Sharp GX20
Sharp GX30
Sony Ericsson S700i
Sony Ericsson K750i
Sony Ericsson K800i
Nokia N95
Samsung i8510
Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: Redcliffe, QLD
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they were my first 3 and my favourite ones too. can't remember all the names of the rest that i've had.
Registered: 10th Jan 04
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right cant be bothered with pics
had a sagem phone cant remember the model was my 1st pay as you talk, was on voda and my mum got it from tesco 
Vodaphone MN-1 (in Blue)
Vodaphone MN-1 (in Red)
Vodaphone MN-1 (in Silver) ( i broke then quite a few times 
Nokia 5510
Nokia 3210
Nokia 3330
Motarola V50
Nokia 5210
sony ericsson t68i - first mobile with a camera and my 1st contract phone
Nokia 6820
Nokia 7610
Sony Uknown T-Mobile Phone
Motorola Razr
Sony Ericsson w810i
Sony Ericsson c902
there are some others but i cant thing what they are
Registered: 11th Apr 01
Location: Liverpool
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Nokia 8210 is where it is at.
Registered: 19th May 09
Location: South Yorkshire
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n95 8gb
panasonic phone???
121 motorola flip thing
as you can tell nokia only now
Registered: 15th Dec 07
Location: Derbyshire
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Ive had one or two,
Nokia 5110
Nokia 3210
Nokia 3310
Nokia 3330
Motorola V3
sony ericsson t600, was tiny
sony ericsson t610 x2
sony ericsson k700 (favourite phone ever especially at the time)
sony ericsson k750 x4 
sony ericsson w580 x2
and currently got a LG viewty
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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This is a good thread !!
My first phone I shared with my brother. I really miss this one.
Motorola Star Tac

I hated this phone !!
Motorola C520

Nokia 6110

Mitsubishi Mars

Good phone !
Nokia 3210

Nokia 8210

I loved this phone, and sometimes I wished I still had it
Motorola V70

First Camera Phone
Nokia 7250i

Motorola V80

Went through a weird moment, started off as a loner, but kept it for a little while.
Sendo S360

Sony Ericsson W700i

And my current phone.
Nokia E71

Registered: 20th Aug 08
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4.some siemens with a "x" in the control pad
5.a slide up samsung.
13. my current fone somsung pixon
Registered: 9th Nov 06
Location: Hullywood
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Motorolla M3778e.
Nokia 3210
Nokia 3310
S.E T28
Motorolla v50
Samsing T100 - first colour phone.
Samsung D500
S.E W750i
S.E W550i
Nokia N70
Nokia N95 8GB
Blackberry Storm
Blackberry Bold
Some dodgy old metal Nokia
iPhone 3G
HTC Magic
Treating myself to an N97 when the prices come down abit.
Prob missed loads off.. but thats all i can remember.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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I had a trium mars, that was EPIC
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Registered: 21st Jan 06
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo

if i post pictures of the phones ive owned.....
Game over for the internet.
I thought that about you as soon as I saw the thread for all your automotive/bodyshop needs
Located in Chalfont st Peter
Registered: 9th Apr 02
Location: Kent
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In no particular order
Nokia 5110
8800 scirocco
8800 arte
Sharp gx10
Blackberry 8100
Sony Ericsson (one which spun round)
Siemens SL10
4 other Siemens phones as old man worked for them
Various others i cant remember the name of
Couple of Samsungs & Motorola's
Qtek mini pocket pc thing, was quality for its time
I phone 3g
Favourite was the arte, sold it as i didnt use it 
Id still like a motorola v50 for some reason
Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Nokia 5110
Nokia 3330
Nokia 3210
Nokia 3310
Nokia 3510i
Nokia 6230
Sony Ericsson K750i
Sony Ericsson K800i
Sony Ericsson K850i
Samsung Tocco Ultra
Registered: 19th Jan 06
Location: Stafford
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Can only remember a few of them.
Some LG flip phone 
SE K750i
SE K800i
Samsung G600
SE C905
Had 1 or 2 nokias aswell.
Registered: 8th Oct 08
Location: Berkshire
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My first phone was a Nokia Ringo and you could save about 10 numbers (no names though).. I got my first mobile just as digital was starting to be rolled out so it was analogue (no sim, no sms) as the coverage on digital was still shit at the time..

I then had a digital phone, cant even remember the name but it had a pull up ariel and you could make your own ring tones.
My first contract phone I got in 97/98 was a Simens SL10, at the time it was 'Amazing' 

Cant really remember the massive array of various Nokia's and HTC devices I've had over the years, theres been probably near on 50.
Currently got an iPhone (which sucks big balls) and that metal nokia, 6600 or what ever it is!
[Edited on 02-07-2009 by DaveyLC]
Registered: 8th Oct 08
Location: Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by oceansoul
Nokia 6680

Best phone I've ever had