gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
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how much does a standard corsa sport weight?
i looked in the new tv and it said 983kg or something? thought they weighed more?
Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
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I'd have thought about the 1100KG area but on parkers:
It's down as 1029KG which seems more realistic
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
User status: Offline
cool, thought they weren't under a ton
thanks for that 
did you get those bits sorted for your engine?
Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
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Nearly there. Got my ignition coil but waiting to hear from a guy in Kent about the ECU & Loom with transponder and he's got a full inlet manifold but no TB But shouldn't be to hard to find! So could be done by tuesday
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
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good! bet you cant wait?!
Registered: 12th Dec 07
Location: : S. wales Drives: Dodge Caliber
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Nah i can't! If i had done the research and made sure it was "all" there it have been in my possession by tuesday 
But oh well it'll teach me to be adventurous
Registered: 6th Jan 09
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Mine says it weighs 1250 Kgs and its a 1.0 Litre 12v Corsa.
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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nah thats not right, im sure parkers says 989kg for a 1.4 sport?
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
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i dont think corsa's are under a ton? as swill said theyre around 1100kg' ish
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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quote: Originally posted by gez c16b
i dont think corsa's are under a ton? as swill said theyre around 1100kg' ish
surely cant be 1100kg's? i though the owners handbook thing says theyre arond 980
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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according to my owners manual a gsi c16xe weighs 945kg without aircon, and 975 with.
those figures are kerb weight.
Registered: 6th Jan 09
Location: Berkshire
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When i open the bonet, there is a black plate what says the car weighs 1250kg, whats going on here? No aircon or any luxuries!
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
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quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
according to my owners manual a gsi c16xe weighs 945kg without aircon, and 975 with.
those figures are kerb weight.
didnt realise how light a corsa was how light is a saxo or 106 then (gti/vts)?
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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quote: Originally posted by saj_123
When i open the bonet, there is a black plate what says the car weighs 1250kg, whats going on here? No aircon or any luxuries!
who knows, but a corsa is nowhere near 1250kg's unless you have fat mates and a boot full of stereo.
a nova is about 850kg's, average corsa ia about 100kg's heavier than a nova. maybe if you have an airbag model it might be a tonne.
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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i might be wrong. i dont know. but with nearly a full tank of fuel, stripped out interior apart from dashboard, a c20let eith 6 speed box mine weighed 903kg's on the old weigh scales at my old job.
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
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nic if i trek all the way to cumbria on sunday will you take me up the strip in the beast. its my only inspiration for driving 130 miles
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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wont be allowed to id say. be rules like york and pod have of no passengers. means no incar vids which is a shame.
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
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bum fluff. still might do though im doing feck all else
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
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effort andy
how arn't you allowed to film anymore nic?
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
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just about taking passengers really health and safety and all that shite
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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quote: Originally posted by gez c16b
effort andy
how arn't you allowed to film anymore nic?
got no camera mount in the car. will make one when it gets a roll cage at some point. will get my oldskool mate jim from the 70's to do some outside filming instead.
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
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can you not tape it to the rear view ghetto stylee or hold it with your teeth or something
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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i could make a bolt in stand thing i guess on saturday maybe. see what bits of random metal and pipe i can weld together if i go down the rolling road in the afternoon.
Premium Member
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A car will have 2 weights, a kerb weight, which is what it would weigh on a set of scales. and a design weight which is the maximum permissible weight of the axles which would include a full car with a trailer etc.
Just to throw a few figures around. My 206 GTi weighs 1120kg + or - 10kg (on a weigh bridge) and my kit car weighs 600kg.
these are the book figures for a Corsa GSi
Curb Weight MT (kg) 975
Curb Weight AT (kg) 1430
I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.