Registered: 6th Oct 09
Location: Ripley, Derbyshire
User status: Offline
hi to all, the other day i was driving along and i heard a piece of metal fall off the bottom of my car and then shortly after i couldnt get my car into second or first. ive had the car up on the axel stands and ive noticed that im missing a bolt out of my rear engine mount and all the spacers that should be there. ive still got the top bolt intact with the washers. does anyone know how meny washers the bottem bolt should have on it? wether it makes any differance or not, but the engine which was in the car was a x12xe. thanks for reading and any help at all is appritiated cheers dan.
Registered: 6th Oct 09
Location: Ripley, Derbyshire
User status: Offline
come on ppl....
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
User status: Offline
Surely if it's spaced properly it should only have one washer?
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
User status: Offline
It's supposed to be spaced the same length as however much you've extended the gear linkage.
Registered: 10th Feb 08
Location: Eastbourne, EastSussex
User status: Offline
shoudlnt have loads of washers should have two spacers
Registered: 6th Oct 09
Location: Ripley, Derbyshire
User status: Offline
so your all trying to say that depending on how meny spacers i have depends on how much i extendered the gear linkage...... its spaced 4 washers that are around 3-4 mm thick each...... is this normal ? any help is welcome wb cheers
Mark B
Registered: 15th Mar 07
Location: Galston, East Ayrshire
User status: Offline
well if the tops spaced 4 the bottom will be 4.just means who ever done the conversion is rough as fuck
and not used spacers
[Edited on 22-12-2009 by markb1234]
Registered: 6th Oct 09
Location: Ripley, Derbyshire
User status: Offline
well what diffo does it make? wb
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
User status: Offline
By the sounds of things, without knowing what you're talking about, it should be a solid spacer instead of four washers.