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Registered: 8th May 05
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How do I use it?
Whats the process? Step by Step please 
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 4th May 02
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if ur on about engine flush dont bother
Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
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you using engine flush? if so pour it in engine, leave running for 10 mins, and do oil change as normal
Premium Member
Registered: 8th May 05
Location: Nottingham Drives: Corsa B
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Yeah. I guess its engine flush.
I heard a couple people on about it.
So looked into the cheap oil we sell at work. Said on the back it can be used as a flushing oil.
Do i stand to gain anything out of doing it?
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 6th Apr 07
Location: Lisburn, N.I.
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Just really to clean your engine out isnt it. Mate of mine said its a good job and recommended it to me but I never did it
Gareth F
Registered: 16th Jan 08
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Um engine flush can cause leaks on old engines ive heard, eats the gunk that could be sealing something.
If its cheap oil and it says about flushing would that just mean you drain the oil, fill up on the cheapo shit, run engine, then drain again to fill up with best oil making it a clean oil change?
Engine flush is an additive to the oil not an oil in itself.
Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
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if you have got somewhere thats leakin after an engine flush i wouldnt be worried about flushing some old crap away tbh i would be more concerned about where its actually leaking from
Premium Member
Registered: 8th May 05
Location: Nottingham Drives: Corsa B
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Oh right. If engine flush is an additive then its not that.
Its just simply an oil - my mum put it in her panda to top it up lol - its something like 15w 50.
Simply says can be used as a flushing oil.
I thought it may have been a case of doing an oil change for the crap oil then running the car and doing another change for the good oil.
Should i run the car up to temp with the crap oil then change?
Ive always changed oil cold :s
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Gareth F
Registered: 16th Jan 08
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yeah i usually warm it up as the oil will be runnier but watch out you dont warm it up too much else you might burn yourself 
Warm up, drain oil, take oil filter off as it olds alot of oil and drain that, put old filter back on (i do this so the new filter has only the cleanest oil running through it), fill up with cheapo shit and run for a while poss go for a 20 run, let cool, drain, slap a new copper sump ring on and new filter then fill up with the better oil.
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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There's no need for flushing oil, if it's just normal oil then think about it - it's doing absolutely nothing. Engine flush has cleaning properties, but new oil will just act the same way as more expensive new oil. Might be worth a shot, I personally don't see the point.
Gareth F
Registered: 16th Jan 08
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Using a cheap oil to flush the rest of the shit oil through and any crap, id benefit from it as my oil isnt done often but on a clean car then probs not.