Registered: 8th Jul 10
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
Hi,still struggling with my 1994 Corsa B heater.Good flow thro matrix,stat ok,water level stays constant,car runs sweet,but no heat from heater.Checked heater temparature knob on the dash,it is connected to the right angled lever near the matrix,this moves thro' the full 90%.
On looking at a new matrix I cant find a valve that opens and closes the hot water flow,is there one in the system somewhere?
My heater blower works fine on all speeds,the rear screen heater works ok [Heated glass]
One of the guys on here said he kept the engine running for half an hour with the blower on full and it cured the same problem,how does that relate?If there is no heater/hot water valve,is it controlled electrically?
I couldn't see past the right angled lever on the matrix,is it possible the connection after the lever has slipped,and isnt opening a flap letting the hot air thro?
Any answers will be gratefully recieved:
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Is the matrix itself getting hot? Could be an airlock. How did you measure the flow through it? Pipes on the bulkhead?
Registered: 8th Jul 10
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
I took the pipe off the matrix nearest the offside,water flowed out and emptied the tank.
Registered: 8th Jul 10
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
I took the pipe off the matrix nearest the offside,water flowed out and emptied the tank.
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Inlet or outlet to the matrix?
Shouldn't airlock because I think the pipes are on the top but those would be my thoughts if you've tried everything else and it's still cold.
I don't think there's a stop valve, matrix is always hot I think
Registered: 8th Jul 10
Location: manchester
User status: Offline
Thats the conclusion I ended up with Ian,that the matrix stays hot,so therefore with no valve it must be controlled by a flap,worked from the heat control knob on the dash.Looks like I will have to check if the flap is jammed or broken.As a temporary job it might be possible to jam it open on Hot.
Thanks for your prompt replies.
Kind regards