Corsa Sport » Message Board » Help Zone, Modification and ICE Advice » Alternator on corsa b c20xe please help? no lighty? no likey :(

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Author Alternator on corsa b c20xe please help? no lighty? no likey :(

Registered: 7th Jul 11
Location: United Kingdom
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   9th Aug 11 at 18:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

OK so I've got a corsa c20xe, I've put the engine in and it's running nice but the battery keeps going flat I know this is because the alternator isn't charging it.

I've tried loads of things to get it working but can't think of any more and i'ts starting to annoy me now!

Basically I have the starter loom with the big live going to the alternator and the little wire which is blue/white that runs to a 3 pin plug with the oil light, not sure what the other wire does. If I earth that plug to the battery my light comes on the dash, so the bulb works. Once I turn the key I get no battery light what so ever, If the alternator was broken i.e not charging I would have assumed that it comes on but stays on dim instead of going out? correct me if i'm wrong.

This is were my earths are going.

There are 2 sets of wiring going into the engine bay,

Bung 1 in the top left hand side goes down into the drivers footwell which has the ecu so thats the "car loom" all the little hoop earths are connected to the fuel rail as they should be.

Bung 2 comes out from near the heater matrix pipes and is the original corsa loom, I have a big fat earth wire coming out of this loom, This is bolted to the back of the engine block is that OK? or should it be on the negative terminal?

I have an earth going from the adjuster on the alternator which goes to the engine block itself and another one from the same adjuster to the fuel rail earth. There is another earth from the starter wire which goes to the battery like It should and finally I have a earth cable going from the gearbox to the chassis leg and from that hoop to the earth on the battery.

Is anything of the above going to give me a problem with the alternator? or is the alternator just nackered!

I hope i've been thorough enough for you to understand so fire away and I shall answer what you need 2 know if anything.


p.s I don't have a multimeter to check the current across the battery when its running but surely if the light is out on the dash then we can assume it isn't working? as the bulb is part of the circuit?

[Edited on 09-08-2011 by Joker]

Registered: 7th Feb 08
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9th Aug 11 at 18:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

on the alternator you have the big live and also the small white/blue both connected to the alternator yes?


Registered: 7th Jul 11
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9th Aug 11 at 18:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yes they are both connected to the alternator mate

Registered: 7th Feb 08
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9th Aug 11 at 18:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

from what you have said mate it all seems as it should be. my guess would be the alternators fucked

Registered: 7th Jul 11
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9th Aug 11 at 19:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

have u ever heard of the alternator not working and no light coming on? I've had alternators pack up in the past but the light still comes on with ignition and its dull cus its not charging?

Registered: 15th Sep 08
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10th Aug 11 at 00:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

weirdly i was shown a xe corsa before where the bulb blown broke the curcuit and caused the alternator now to charge, dunno if thats normal or now?

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