Registered: 25th Apr 02
Location: SE London
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People, where can I go to get the hole in my exhaust fixed? I need to get it welded up but can't think where to take it. Do Kwik Fit do this? I don't think they do! Can't think of any local garages either that do welding? Is there a special type of place you have to go?
How easy is it and how much do you reckon it will cost, the hole is about the size of a 2p coin and is in the centre silencer.
Registered: 16th Nov 02
Location: Wellington, Shropshire
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Coludnt ya just go to a local exhaust and tyres specailist and get them to cut you a new silencer in?
Doubt it would be that expensive either, Can get a whole system for around 35 bones ( cat back excluding the back box) I think...(used to work at hardy tyres...
[Edited on 20-06-2003 by Rooney]
Corsa Racer 69
Registered: 30th Aug 02
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is it an after market zorst? if so wat is it
Registered: 25th Apr 02
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It's a Lexmaul stainless steel de-cat exhaust system.
Registered: 25th Apr 02
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The hole was made by a dodgy exhaust mount that had come loose and knocked a fair sized hole in the silencer. It now sounds like an exagerated drag car on heat!
Registered: 16th Nov 02
Location: Wellington, Shropshire
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They should be able to replace the silencer if you get the parts ya need, It would be a matter of just splitting the silencer away from the pipes.
Would be about a tenner i reckon to get some one to do it.
Registered: 25th Apr 02
Location: SE London
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Can't I just get the hole welded up?
Registered: 25th Mar 02
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nearly all garages weld. mot centres definatly. Go anywhere with a ramp and they will weld it up for buttons.
Registered: 16th Nov 02
Location: Wellington, Shropshire
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Would of thought ya can, but thought that some one who was spending all this money on throttle bodies and stuff would prefer to have a silencer which aint welded???
Registered: 12th Jun 02
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small garge with ramps and a welder - im always havin my crap standard system patched up
Registered: 25th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by Rooney
Would of thought ya can, but thought that some one who was spending all this money on throttle bodies and stuff would prefer to have a silencer which aint welded???
I'm getting a custom exhaust made up soon so just need a temp fix. Just want to get rid of that horrible noise!
Corsa Racer 69
Registered: 30th Aug 02
Location: Dumfries
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why hav the standard system welded up m8 i put centre section on mine 4 13 quid wen it had a hole
Registered: 27th Oct 01
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If your just looking for a cheap temporary fix until you get the new one, try exhaust repair bandage. It'll only cost a few quid.
Registered: 25th Apr 02
Location: SE London
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Have tried bandage and repair gum. The exhaust gases just burn straight through them!
lee mitchell
Registered: 26th Jan 01
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i could weld it up for you but im to busy and going on holiday
Registered: 25th Apr 02
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Registered: 25th Mar 02
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quote: Originally posted by Rooney
Would of thought ya can, but thought that some one who was spending all this money on throttle bodies and stuff would prefer to have a silencer which aint welded???
Just cause people have decent stuff doesn't mean they are stupid with money! If its welded well it will act as if its good as new and its not like you can see it!
Registered: 15th May 02
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if its stainless steel, it should have lifetime warrenty, so y dont u take it back to where u bought at n get it done for free
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: Stoke + Wolves - Corsa Sport
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im havin mine patched up cause in about 2 weeks im having a custom stinless system so dont wanna buy a new standard one, just want it to last till then