Registered: 25th May 01
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....OK the house bug has bit me!
Got a 40" Samsung to go on the wall in my living room, just bashed wall out to run cables got:
2x Scart cables
1x PS2 cable
1x audio phono (from TV to amp)
1x VGA
1x 3.5mm (audio from PC to TV)
1x coax ariel
power (with right angle where comes out of TV)
all top quality 5m cable lengths
Anything else I should buy and run now? TV has 3 HDMI inputs but I dont have any sources, plan to run 3 channels in wall so should be OK getting more cables in
Also wired power up to projector screen and projector, and ordered a 10m VGA cable to run to it...projector I have is old so unsure if I should also run a 10m phone (red/white/yellow) cable to it for now so could use with other things such as sky box
also, my laptop has a DVI output - is this better then VGA or not? Would most new PCs come with VGA and/or DVI outputs?
[Edited on 29-05-2008 by M2RTY]
[Edited on 01-06-2008 by M2RTY]
Registered: 2nd Nov 05
Location: Falkirk
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if it was me i would just get everything that allows and run it and plug it into tv just now, that way when you get sources at a later date, it wont be as much a hassle ,
Registered: 25th May 01
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yeah but some things like s-video I dont think I will ever use
spent £150 on cables so far so dont want to spend £50 more on ones I wont use or have space for
Also got some LEDs to go up the tube and light the TV from behind
Registered: 15th Apr 04
Location: Shrewsbury
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id put another HDMI and component video in
Registered: 27th Oct 03
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iwould use all 3 hdmi deffo
Registered: 25th May 01
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whats componant video used for?
Registered: 27th Oct 03
Location: Marbella,Spain Drives: C63
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its used for hi def on things like wii
and some dvd players n that.
If ur xbox doesnt have hdmi it uses component
Registered: 15th Apr 04
Location: Shrewsbury
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quote: Originally posted by M2RTY
whats componant video used for?
The red, green and blue phono connections are component video mate, as said above, the 360 and alot of dvd players use this.
Its hi-def but only up to 1080i
Registered: 25th May 01
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does it use standard comp on wii end of daft "unique" plug like old PS2 had?
Bought a set anyways now and another phono cable to go with them
and a kensignton lock
and some other bits lol
oh and a drain pipe to install them all
Registered: 7th Feb 03
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If you got an amp/receiver connected, then you will only need the one HDMI cable cos the rest plug into the amp, but if you have seperate components going straight to the TV then id run all 3 for ease of possible upgrade.
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Registered: 22nd Aug 03
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I ran an optical cable to mine aswell so that all the sound from the TV can run through my amp. 1 HDMI cable, 1 set of phono cables, VGA cable and phono for sound, 1 coax tv cable.
The problem i had was getting the tv on the wall after running all these cables to it!! I had to chop a hole in the wall where they went in. Maybe something to bear in mind.
Registered: 25th May 01
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aye shouldnt be too bad, can chop away a lot if required
TV will sit 4cm off wall, other stands sat 8cm but I tried this and it looked too much
can always put some inch wood behind the wall stand if required too
Registered: 25th May 01
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got wall bracket, needs altering slightly to gain better access to the TV cables
Bought S-Video lead for projector too and some other bits and bobs.
Fitted wall bracket last night, trial fitted projector but need proper wall mount for it, ordering 84" screen once I find a decent remote control one
TV will be 4foot off floor to bottom of scrreen, which is a bit higher then I would have liked but fire will be under it. Still watchable OK.
Also need to sort speakers out now and locations, centre one will need to be cut out of the wall as I dont want it on the floor or sticking out
bought some 4" drain pipe too for the cables to run down, will crack on this weekend!
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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Pics when all complete please
Registered: 25th May 01
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i will update as I go
Registered: 25th May 01
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point for 85" screen in bay

too high at mo...

modded to allow easier access:



pipe duct...

4" drain pipe:

test PC:

you think power cable will be OK with other cables or should I re-route it?
need to run 10m cables to projector next 
[Edited on 01-06-2008 by M2RTY]
[Edited on 01-06-2008 by M2RTY]
Registered: 15th Apr 04
Location: Shrewsbury
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Power cable will be fine mate
That huge gouge in the wall is a bit extreme for that amount of cables!! 
Good job though, should look good
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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Ideally the power cable should be run seperately from the signal cables due to RFI interference. As to how much difference it actaully makes in the real world, not sure, but if you are willing to re-route it anyway then yes, it would be better.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by drunkenfool
Ideally the power cable should be run seperately from the signal cables due to RFI interference. As to how much difference it actaully makes in the real world, not sure, but if you are willing to re-route it anyway then yes, it would be better.
Whilst you can you may aswell do it. Plus if you're spending that much on the set up then its worth doing it right and avoiding any possible problems just incase.
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Registered: 22nd Aug 03
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That looks a really good job mate 
What res are you going to run your pc on the screen? I run at 1280x800.
The cables look good quality, must bhave cost you quite a bit.
Registered: 15th Apr 04
Location: Shrewsbury
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mate, a 40" telly will pull less than 1A when in use, you wont get any RFI, if all your video cables are good quality they'll be screened anyway.
I install plasmas and LCDs day in day out and have never had any trouble with interference.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by ash_corsa
mate, a 40" telly will pull less than 1A when in use, you wont get any RFI, if all your video cables are good quality they'll be screened anyway.
I install plasmas and LCDs day in day out and have never had any trouble with interference.
Who is to say he wont upgrade the TV at a later date?
IMO if he can run it seperately without much hassle (which it looks like it wont be) then why not do it.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by ash_corsa
mate, a 40" telly will pull less than 1A when in use, you wont get any RFI, if all your video cables are good quality they'll be screened anyway.
I install plasmas and LCDs day in day out and have never had any trouble with interference.
currys sell tv's day in day out but the still know fuck all
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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You won't get any intereference, if he upgrades the tv he still won't get any interference.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
Location: Im the real one!
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quote: Originally posted by John
You won't get any intereference, if he upgrades the tv he still won't get any interference.
But no harm in taking the precaution seems its an easy job - just in case