N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
As title having trouble with my c20let corsa.
Heres the vid:

Cheers people.
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
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ok google topbuzz and look on that site is shows how do the paper clip test
the plug you need to have is white and it in the fuse box under the steering wheel, i think it has 12 connections, look at topbuzz and it will show you what to do, onceyou have the codes post them up and we will help
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
oh i thought this was the paper clip test this is how the ecu light flashed up. how do u know what the codes are thats wat im struggling on its all just flashing lights to me.
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
oh i will take a look at the video for you now, if the ecu is flashing then you did it right
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Right ive read it up on top buzz and im pretty sure my code is flasshing up 117 which means wastegate valve, low voltage.
Can sum 1 confirm this please and it may be due to my acuator being needed to be set up but ive also read its related to the amal valve so il check the wires to that and clean the conections up.
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
you need a new amal valve i think, best thing to do is change then leave it plugged in, but then get a manual boost controller which is better
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Okay cheers for the help matey il look into it, your the lad with the white c20let that goes down a38 aint you?
Need to get mine sorted so i can bring mine down.
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
yeah thats me, im going down tonight with the car so if you need help just come find me i will be more than happy to help with any problems, if you want bring your c20let (drive slow just in case) and we can swap parts over to test it because i should be able to fix it but need the car in front of me
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Well if i cant find a amal valve by tonite do u have a spare i cud try?
dont think il risk bringing the car that way tbh dont wana cause more damage.
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
i will have a look in the garage for you i have that many spares lol check the sparks what colour are they,
ok try this for me, take the pipes off the amal valve and put a single pipe straight from the turbo to the actuator (cutting out amal), leave the amal valve plugged in tho
then test it
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Right ive done that mate and still no change.
Im thinkings its more like the spark/fuel system as everything i do makes no difference.
When its idling i took oyt the plug leads 1 by 1 ans the 1st 1 (longest lead) makes no difference, when i took the plug out put it in the lead and held it to earth its sparking fine. Therefore im thinking it could be the injector so im gona check the connection, then swap the injector position with the 1 next to it to see if the problem moves to cylinder 2 or stays at cylinder 1, does that sound logical to you mate?
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
have you got the sequence right for the leads as it will run if two are not in the correct order or is it just that one (long lead) that is doing it
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Its just that 1 lead mate.
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
take the injector out, leave it plugged in and put it in a jar, crank the engine over and it should squirt into the jar, wont be much but should be some try that
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
if its not firing, come down the a38 tonight and i will give you some yellow injectors which i took out mine which i know work
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Right mate, i cudnt rele fit n e thing under the injector to keep the others going so i swaped them round with the 2nd cylinder.
Started it up and it was still firing on three, took the leads off 1 by 1 agen and its still the 1st cylider not making any difference.
Took the plug out and its wet with fuel so im thinking the only thing it could be now is that 1 of the valves for the 1st cylinder hasnt re seated right, bit of crap or sumate maybe from the rebuild ? 
Il still be coming the a38 tonite how mate so il come and speak to you if i find u, il be in my other car the silver polo gti with polished audi wheels and big audio.
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
well my car isnt hard to miss i will be either going up and down or parked up look out for me and i will look for you,
it sounds to me like the lead is fucked
have you checked all other sparks what are they like
your getting fuel in, the valves will be fine if they wernt you would be back firing into the intake manifold
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
well my car isnt hard to miss i will be either going up and down or parked up look out for me and i will look for you,
it sounds to me like the lead is fucked
have you checked all other sparks what are they like
your getting fuel in, the valves will be fine if they wernt you would be back firing into the intake manifold
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
quick test, take out the sparkplug out and rest it on the clyinder head cover,
crank the car over and you should see a spark if not then its the lead
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
ive tried 2 sets of leads thow mate and its sparking wen i hold it to earth, il have a look what the other sparks are like in a bit.
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
bring a pen and paper with you tonight and we will run threw my engine and then you can compare to yours
yeah check the other, i will have a think
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Okay matey, so u do rekon it could be the coil starting to play up do you giving a weaker singal to the furthest plug? just a thought.
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Not good.
Just done a compression test and theres no compression at the missing cylinder . I know the piston and rings are fine so its telling me 1 of the valves aint sat right since the rebuild
Robo C20Let
Registered: 22nd Feb 10
Location: Somewhere inside your mom !!!
User status: Offline
that can be sorted, you can either do it the long way or short
short you need to remove cam cover take out the cam and re sit the valve,
long take the head off and do it all again
what a ball ache bet ur pissed off
N13L X B
Registered: 28th Sep 09
Location: Hinckley, leicestershire
User status: Offline
Mate gutted is not the word . after all that work.
Yer was hoping i cud do it by taking the cams off, how would i reseat the valve from up above thow?