Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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..xe inlet...
driving along all is well... the eml came on and lost everything...
had the jump l;eads on and a gallen of juice in and its trying but not starting, battery is starting to get low now. its cranking ok, occasionally it'll fire once if i leave it 5 mins...
please help
[Edited on 02-11-2011 by Ian]
[Edited on 03-11-2011 by Jed D]
[Edited on 03-11-2011 by Jed D]
Registered: 14th May 11
Location: Lewes/Brighton
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What's the temp like? all normal?
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by DanCobb
What's the temp like? all normal?
nothing out of the ordinary mate. its only just started to warm up a little bit and its cooled now, obv being toad home, been over 30mins since it was running its bound to be cooled again
Registered: 19th Oct 06
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eml come on on its own whilst the car was running, then it cut out or it cut out and all dash lights (including eml) came on?
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
just the eml came on mate, as it cut out...
..and the temp gauge was only just starting to warm...
been out and about all day and its never skipped a beat
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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Flash the codes out with a paperclip.
Registered: 14th May 11
Location: Lewes/Brighton
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Could be a fuel problem? Best to do paperclip test or get diagnostic thing on it and go from there
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
its funning i was reading about paperclip tests today and thought to myself "ahh im glad i havent had to do one of them" cos i dont have a clue about electrics... only got my level 2 and thats level 3 and beyond me
mite know someone with the diagnostics kit so will give him a bell in the morning...
fuel pump or possibly relay?? crossed my mind... sounds like its tryinging with the jump leads on but not getting enough
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
were would i get the fault code list from?
will give a bit cash if anyone can come fix or at least find out what needs replaced...
Registered: 14th May 11
Location: Lewes/Brighton
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I done paper clip test today, was easy once I got the hang of it try it mate. &. Yeah check everything to do with fuel and also check ecu, I hada similar prob where water got Into the ecu . Could also be Crank shaft sensor
Registered: 14th May 11
Location: Lewes/Brighton
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Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
cheers mate, breif description as to how to do paper clip test (in thicko terminology please)
edit - cheers, but isnt that for pre 98 types or something?? not sure what mine is as the engines out of an astra... i think (so iv heard)
[Edited on 02-11-2011 by Jed D]
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 12th Jan 05
Location: Undy, Newport Drives: Skoda Octavia vRS estate
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It's the same engine as a X16XE. Just do the paperclip test, sod it being a 'level 3' task
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
aye will do lol, just not sure yet if iv got a 10pin or 16pin as its not the standard engine from what i've heard...
some usefull stuff in that link dan
Registered: 14th May 11
Location: Lewes/Brighton
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Your plug should be 16 pin mate and should work fine . & yeah that site tells you all ypu need to know
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Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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waiting for the lass to get out of bed and il go and do the test... had the battery on charge over night as i ran it out trying lastnight...
cheers for the help lads, will be in touch...
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
just to confirm, this is the list yeah??
0100 Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor n/a
0105 Intake manifold pressure sensor n/a
0110 Intake Air Temperature Sesnor (ATS) n/a
0115 Intake Coolant Temperature Sesnor (CTS) n/a
0120 Throttle Potentiometer Sensor (TPS) n/a
0130 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensor n/a
0135 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensor heater n/a
0150 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensor n/a
0173 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensor n/a
0201 Injector valve 1 n/a
0202 Injector valve 2 n/a
0203 Injector valve 3 n/a
0204 Injector valve 4 n/a
0205 Injector valve 5 n/a
0206 Injector valve 6 n/a
0230 Fuel pump n/a
0325 Knock sensor n/a
0330 Knock sensor 2 n/a
0335 Crank sensor n/a
0340 Camshaft sensor n/a
0351 Ignition coil 1 and 4 n/a
0352 Ignition coil 2 and 3 n/a
0400 Exhaust gas circulation valve n/a
0403 Exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) valve n/a
0410 Secondary air pump relay n/a
0412 Secondary solenoid valve n/a
0433 Tank vent valve n/a
0500 Idle speed stepper motor/idle air regulator n/a
0560 Battery n/a
1110 Switch over valve solenoid n/a
1112 Switch over valve 1 n/a
1113 Switch over valve 2 n/a
1120 Throttle body malfunction n/a
1229 Power supply relay n/a
1231 Fuel pump relay n/a
1320 Knock control cylinder 1 n/a
1327 Knock control cylinder 2 n/a
1328 Knock control cylinder 3 n/a
1329 Knock control cylinder 4 n/a
1405 Exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) valve n/a
1410 Secondary air pump relay n/a
1411 Secondary air pump n/a
1501 Immobiliser control unit n/a
1502 Immobiliser control unit n/a
1503 Immobiliser control unit n/a
1530 Air flow relay n/a
1600 Internal control module n/a
1601 Engine Control Unit (ECU) too hot n/a
1602 Knock control module n/a
1604 Knock control unit n/a
1605 Knock control unit n/a
1606 Knock control unit n/a
1640 Knock control unit or quad drive module n/a
1690 MIL/Engine fail (malfunction indicator lamp) n/a
1740 Torque control unit n/a
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
not fireing at all now... no fault codes...???? 
Registered: 14th May 11
Location: Lewes/Brighton
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Not 100% but think you need the gm one if your engines x16xel
GM-Multec ECU Fault Codes
This fault code chart shows the GM-Multec fault codes for the following systems:- SPi, MPi, CFi, M and S.
GM-Multec Code Chart:
Code: Item:
12 Initiation of diagnosis. n/a
13 Oxygen sensor No change in voltage/open circuit.
14 Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS) Low voltage
15 Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS) High voltage
16 Knock signal circuit n/a
18 Knock control processor n/a
19 Crank Angle Sensor (CAS) Incorrect RPM signal
21 Throttle Potentiometer Sensor (TPS) High voltage
22 Throttle Potentiometer Sensor (TPS) Low voltage
24 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) No speed signal or low voltage
25 Injector valve Low voltage
28 Fuel pump relay contacts Contact problem
29 Fuel pump relay Low voltage
32 Fuel pump relay High voltage
33 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor High voltage
34 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor Low voltage
35 Idle stepper motor Poor or no idle speed control
41 Amplifier control signal, cylinders 2 and 3 (Direct Ignition System (DIS)) High voltage
42 Amplifier control signal, cylinders 1 and 4 (Direct Ignition System (DIS)) High voltage
43 Primary ignition (distributor systems) High voltage
44 Oxygen sensor Air/Fuel mixture too lean (weak)
45 Oxygen sensor Air/Fuel mixture too rich
46 Amplifier (Direct Ignition System (DIS)) control signal (A+B) High voltage
47 Linear exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR) position n/a
49 Battery supply to Engine Control Unit (ECU) High voltage (greater than 17 volts)
51 Engine Control Unit (ECU) Defective ECU (disconnect and reconnect (ECU), then recheck for fault codes). Memory failure
52 Secondary air pump relay Low voltage
53 Secondary air pump relay High voltage
54 Idle Carbon Monoxide (CO) potentiometer n/a
55 Engine Control Unit (ECU) fault Renew Engine Control Unit (ECU)
56 Air control soleniod Low voltage
57 Air control soleniod High voltage
61 Fuel tank vent valve (FTVV) Low voltage
62 Fuel tank vent valve (FTVV) High voltage
63 Amplifier control signal, cylinders 2 and 3 (Direct Ignition System (DIS)) Low voltage
64 Amplifier control signal, cylinders 1 and 4 (Direct Ignition System (DIS)) Low voltage
65 Primary ignition (distributor systems) Low voltage
66 Throttle position sensor (TPS) Hose broken
67 Air Flow Sensor (AFS), hot wire meter (air mass meter) Signal is outside normal operation parameters (out of range)
68 Air Flow Sensor (AFS), hot wire meter (air mass meter) Faulty air mass meter signal, incorrect frequency
69 Air Temperature Sensor (ATS) (MPi only) Low voltage
71 Air Temperature Sensor (ATS) (MPi only) High voltage
72 Amplifier (Direct Ignition System (DIS)) control signal (A+B) Lead interruption, open circuit
75 Torque control (Automatic Transmission (AT) only) Low voltage
76 Torque control (Automatic Transmission (AT) only) Continuous
81 Injector valve High voltage
83 Immobiliser No or wrong code
84 Immobiliser No signal
85 Immobiliser Wrong signal
87 Air conditioning cut-off relay Low voltage
88 Air conditioning cut-off relay High voltage
92 Camshaft sensor Faulty hall effect sensor or circuit
93 Quad drive module (in ECU) n/as
[Edited on 03-11-2011 by DanCobb]
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
there are no codes mate, ^^^^ youtube ^^^
check and triple checked 
fuel pump realy maybe??? watch that^
Registered: 14th May 11
Location: Lewes/Brighton
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Hard to tell without being there mate. Could be fuel pump relay does it click or anything? My mates punto just stopped working like yours did and turned out to be that. Checked all the fuses and everything? Got to be something simple for it to stop working like it has lol
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
not noticed a click mate, will go check fuses now... wich ones the fuel pump relay please??
Registered: 14th May 11
Location: Lewes/Brighton
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Mines just under the scuttle I think so yours might be somewhere round there mate
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
black one? how do i test that its working, volt meter???
just checked fuses and the r.fogs, 2nd one in on the right hand side bottom (10a) was gone and replaced that, nothing different