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Lets be honest, if you worked in a bank would you be happy about it
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
Lets be honest, if you worked in a bank would you be happy about it
my point exactly.
I love the idea of a decentralised cryptocurrency.
Do the Elite, the wealth holders of this planet? do they fuck.. will they allow it to happen? Show me an event in history where the worlds wealth held by just a few is passed to the hands of the common man or woman.
BTC is dumping like a motherfucker as I type this. Seems a bit of a coincidence considering Trumps tweet about it yesterday no? Let's not forget that developing countries have been buying into BTC ie Africans, and many of them see Trump as a hero. I really do think that his tweet yesterday is the biggest FUD that BTC has had this year.. well lets not start on the tether scam and how that propped up this bull run.
BTC sub 10k by Monday...
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Yea I trade as well as hold. But I trade on coins I see as under valued.
I have a lot of knowledge on Vulcano. Was it the new trajectory paper you read?
There is no way it’ll be stopped by the banks. Look at the infrastructure that’s growing. It’s got far to big to crumble so easy.
What alt coins were you holding?
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quote: Originally posted by SetH
BTC is dumping like a motherfucker as I type this.
Catch that falling knife
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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quote: Originally posted by Dan
It’s got far to big to crumble so easy.
Tell that to MySpace
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Well BTC failed the one purpose it had. It was not a hedge/store of value as claimed by money and clearly is correlated to the stock markets. BTC was not around during the last market crash so there was no previous performance to predict what it would do.
The crash was biblical and happened very quickly. I shorted the absolute fuck out of it and made a small fortune, more in one night then I have done trading all year.
suffice to say have cashed out for now although the volatility presents good trading opportunities its risky AF right now.
Blockchain is here to stay, I believe Crypto has a future but the federal reserve and banks are not just going to roll over and let it replace their precious dollar.
Really not sure on the future of BTC right now. see how it responds, especially when Covid-19 crisis is over.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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13th Feb 2020 - $10,475 (high)
12th March 2020 - $5,578 (low)
A drop of 47%
BRUTAL but if you shorted it 
If you held as an investment
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I'd be losing more in one night that I earned in a year.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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it's now at 4600 
what asset class drops 43% in a day?
fuck knows what the Dow will do tomorrow and its Friday 13th... Armageddon.
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You know there's people rubbing their hands though. As you say if you don't mind a good decisive short and it goes south you can enjoy the ride.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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quote: Originally posted by SetH
what asset class drops 43% in a day?
Big Citroens on the 2nd March
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Not posted on BTC For a while but strangely it has been observed that it appears to follow the S&P index. If you overlay the graphs in trading view they are very similar. The whole Idea of BTC was that it was to be a hedge against FIAT, it is looking more likely it is now correlated. Will see what happens over this new financial crisis.
Looking to short it at the moment as its had over a 90% rally in less than a month. For the current year it is still the best performing asset overall in all markets.
For me personally I don't see it as a store of wealth, just like to trade the volatility. high risk, high reward.
I really don't think we will see the 1000%+ gains in the other cryptocurrencies, like we did a few years back referred to as 'alt season'. I had my eye on Ethereum but its literally coupled itself to BTC so does not make sense to trade them both.
Lots of institutional money is coming into BTC, well has been for a while especially since they opened CME futures. It is that same money that has the potential to sky rocket this but would investors want to invest in a high risk asset during a time like this?
[Edited on 08-04-2020 by SetH]
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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well since the drop of death on March 13th BTC has made a 122% gain 
Now trading at $8300 I am in a long position now as 8k is a key level for BTC and if it closes above this position on the weekly close it could be a trend reversal.
There is the halvening event coming up in less than 2 weeks. This is where the mining reward for BTC is cut in half. Effectively a 'deflation' event. This has only happened twice in the history of BTC and usually results in a small dump followed by a huge bull run.
However in these uncertain times anything could happen. My thoughts are is that is is being manipulated by new wall street investors with a view to an Exit pump. I will ride the price action for now although with caution as the whales may take advantage of all the halvening hype pump it up and then dump it.
Long term though on the back of this recovery it is looking positive for BTC. Until the new world order government steps in and bans decentralised crypto in favour of their 'centralised digital dollar'.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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BTC hit its yearly high last night around 13850, the same high it achieved in June 2019.
This morning we saw a big sell of in world markets, BTC followed, interesting to see that it really is correlated. The whole idea of its creation was to be a hedge against traditional markets post the financial crash.
Interesting timing that it hit its yearly high right before the market sell off today.... manipulated much?
Interesting that the Fed is going out to the private market for their own crypto, the digital dollar. Be interesting to see how that pans out this decade.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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$16,000 dollars yesterday, highest since Dec 2017.
To think in March it dropped to $4000
There are still insane amounts of money to be made of this but it's still a long way from fulfilling its mission statement
Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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You dogecoin lads best look to cash in soon if you mined it for any length of time back in 2013 when it was being joked about! 5000 coins mined in 10 minutes i think someone said at the time
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I had a few I'm sure, don't tell me they're worth actual cash now
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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Slight OT but is anyone buying any GameStop
Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
Slight OT but is anyone buying any GameStop
Here's the thing...
My buddy here in Calgary bought 100000 dogecoin 4years ago for $80 CAD. It was up to $0.07775 USD a couple days ago. That 80 canadian dollars was worth 10263 bucks. He's hanging on still at the moment though, half hoping that it will gt to that illusive dollar per coin. I can't see that happening.
The same dude bought 50 shares of gamestop back in November 2020. Sold half when it hit $35 which recouped his investment and he's now riding the wave with the other 25 shares in the hope that it will boom and he'll be quids in.
The fucker!
Registered: 10th Mar 21
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Have u seen this crypto exchange aggregator?
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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quote: Originally posted by annyqut
Have u seen this crypto exchange aggregator?
You came all the way here just to ask us that