Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
Hey peeps. I've just started using Illustrator for poster designs. I've done some graphics and logos in Photoshop and I've linked them into my AI doc using 'Place'. On screen the edges of the lines are a bit pixelated and crap, however I have set it so that raster images are at 300dpi as this is for a A1 poster and you will notice it! The raster images were created in Photoshop a 300dpi too, and have in fact been scaled down a little for the poster.
Is the pixelation I'm seeing just because Illustrator doesn't render the lines nicely on screen, but when I create a PDF or print the AI file the lines will be all nice and smooth?
Registered: 14th Apr 06
User status: Offline
Create a PDF and have a look mate, or turn on Overprint Preview in the View options.
For the record from now on design logos in Illustrator, so that they're vector's and can be infinitely scaled up or down and not lose quality.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
Think it's just the way Illustrator is rendering it on screen as when I save it as a PDF or a PNG everything is smooth. Should have thought of trying that really 
But yea, really need to learn how Illustrator works properly as I'm in this habit of doing everything in Photoshop