Registered: 3rd Apr 03
User status: Offline
When i bought my corsa from network Q i used to stall it all the time because i wasn't used to the slack in the accelerator cable. I figured this was just that i was used to my parents vectra with it's 'drive by wires system' with no cable.
Today since I had a bit of free time i messed with the cable on mine and moved the accelerator tensioing clip up 5 or 6 notches with the engine running so i could test the slack.
I got it absolutely perfect... then turned the engioe off to go and clean my hands bofre test driving it....
When i came to start it again it wouldn't catch and was spluttering etc.!!!
I could get it going by jamming my foot on the pedal and revving it....
I moved the clip back 2 notches and so leaving a tiny amoutn of slack in the cable and the problem is sorted.
What i want to know is what was happening to make it not start right?
I thought it might be flooding the engine but then sticking my fot on the accelerator wouldn;y have cured it...
I'm confused!!! ???
Registered: 2nd Sep 02
Location: Burgess Hill, West Sussex
User status: Offline
injection engines shouldnt be started with throttle, so maybe it was just pushing the throttle down just a bit on starting?
Registered: 30th Apr 02
Location: Perceton, North Ayrshire
User status: Offline
think u got it bang on the head there m8
Registered: 3rd Apr 03
User status: Offline
Right, thanks for clearing that up.
So it looks like i have to live with a little bit of slack in my cable... I'm just a perfectionist thats all