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Author Weird noises coming from the back of my car, possibly brake related

Registered: 12th May 10
Location: Nottingham, UK
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   24th Jun 10 at 12:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Okay so I'm really worried about my Corsa at the moment, there are a couple of really weird noises coming from the back of it, which may or may not be connected.

The first is a constant squeaking noise coming from the rear, driver's side wheel. It sounds a bit like a cricket chirping, but it stops when I apply the brakes. Being new to motoring I'm not entirely sure what this means, I have a feeling it's simply that I need new brake pads, but I've also heard that wheel bearings could be at fault. So if anyone could clarify for me it'd be much appreciated =)

The other is a nasty graunchy sound coming from the back of the car, which is okay once I'm moving but I can often hear it when pulling away or if I go over a speed bump. It sounds almost as if there's a trailer attached to the car which, obviously, there isn't just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar problems and, if so, how serious it is?

Many thanks,


Registered: 23rd Jun 09
Location: Fife, scotland Drives: Audi S3
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24th Jun 10 at 15:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the squeaking could be an tired rubber bushing

Registered: 12th May 10
Location: Nottingham, UK
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25th Jun 10 at 18:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

in the suspension?

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25th Jun 10 at 20:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I will wager the exhaust is clipping the beam where it passes over and into the backbox for one of them.

The other, if constant, is likely to be a bearing, they can make a whole manner of noises and can eat themselves to bits very quickly if installed to the wrong settings as they are tapered on the back.

Registered: 12th May 10
Location: Nottingham, UK
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26th Jun 10 at 09:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I had a feeling it may of been exhaust-related, I had part of it replaced just before I got it, and I've not noticed the sound before then when I test-drove it. How can I solve this?

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26th Jun 10 at 09:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You have clamp with two 13mm nuts on which fastens the mid-section to the back box where it passes over the rear beam, loosen it off and tweak accordingly to take system further away at that part, re-tighten making sure you tighten it up in a position that is least likely for the actual exhaust bracket itself to catch. Check the rubbers are OK too and not perished.

Registered: 12th May 10
Location: Nottingham, UK
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26th Jun 10 at 10:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thanks mate, I'll have a look at that today =)

Registered: 25th Jun 05
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26th Jun 10 at 10:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also bear in mind that due to where the fulcrum points for the rear beam are, as the suspension compresses the rear beam will come closer to the exhaust, hence why it will knock on speed bumps etc.

You can open the boot and get someone to sit in it to check for clearance if needed!

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