Registered: 27th Dec 02
Location: Manchester Drives: Cav turbo/Corsa C20XE
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im using cossvaux hubs with astra gte shafts in a corsa b, when i came to put the hub assembly back on it was a very tight fit and took alot of persuasion to get the bolts in the bottom of the shocks, i managed to do it tho. cossvaux did say that the astra shafts are slightly too long but they will fit and ive heard this from more than 1 person on this site, i know j100 rsa uses them on his
am i worrying about nothing?
cheers for any help
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Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Bexhill, East Sussex
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they can be used mate but like you say they are to long and iam not 100% about using them really but as a tempory thing it will be alright
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: Thornhill, West Yorkshire
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Can get shafts machines to suit need to move clip grooves in by 8th of an inch mine has now started to eat wheel bearings so im going on to me coss vaux shafts
Registered: 29th Jan 03
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
so they are too long then and it is best just to get coss vaux shafts in the first place yeh? can you use astra gte hubs?
Registered: 17th May 03
Location: basildon essex
User status: Offline
try 1.7 diesel shafts.