Registered: 3rd Feb 05
User status: Offline
hi guys an grls
i recently aquired a 2.0 redtop corsa . ive opened up the water header tank an theres milky stuff there so obviously theres oil getting into my water system. ne1 know any possible reasons, also i know about 400 people are going to say head gasket is gone, which i dont think is as there would be water in the oil which there is none at all. some1 has suggested thhe cylinder head. hepl some1 pleas!!!.
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
User status: Offline
Yeah could be a pourus head dude, check to see if its a coscast head or not, if its the head it will either need replacing with a non porus one or you can get them modified to bypass the problem.
Registered: 3rd Feb 05
User status: Offline
thanks m8 iv sent u a u2u