Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
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The girlfriend has just got me a PS3 for Christmas 
Got the 60gb version with Ridge racer 7 and Fifa 08
Ive alway had a sony console and ive found they are always the best tbh.
However every one is raveing on about the X-BOX 360 elite. how the graphics are slightly better then the PS3 and theres lots more games out.
Ive read that the PS3 is much more powerfull then the X-BOX but it just needs time for people to use the technology in it. Ive never played the PS3 or even seen it running.
Have i bought the right one this time
[Edited on 14-10-2007 by Bullet Proof SRi]
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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I've owned both, I prefer the PS3
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I think they all have their merits and bad points. I can't see you being disapointed as theres some good games coming out. Fifa looks amazing on the PS3.
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
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*Awaits geeky response about xbox*
I chose a PS3 over the 360. Already had a few games from my ps2 that I wanted to keep, plus there are enough games out to keep most normal people satisfied
The only people who seem to go on about the lack of games are the sad bastards who stay in every night playing them & complete 1 game a week
PS3 is wireless, looks quite cool, familliar controls & has bluray disk drive. For me thats all I'd ever need out of something that'll get switched on for a few hours a week when Im bored
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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Like Marc said, I think you would be hard pushed to say which one is better.
I wanted wireless and some sort of high definition DVD player so instead of paying the money to buy those separately for my 360, I traded it in and for the money I would have paid for the wireless adapter and HD DVD drive, I got a brand new PS3 with 2 games and 2 Blurays.
Yes the 360 has more games but look how much longer it's been about.
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And like Matt, i'm not a huge gamer, so the lack of games isn't a huge deal to me, although I know more and more games will be released over time.
When Pro Evo 2008 is release I will be content
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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tbh i dont play lots, ive got lots of old PS2 games i wanted to keep.
not really into online gameing either so i hope ill be impressed come x-mas day
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the ps3 is not any more powerful than the 360, its main advantage is the cell processor, but the 360 is better in other areas such as a better gpu, faster memory buses etc, so it kind of evens out into both systems being pretty much identical
where the ps3 fails is its lack of games, mainly because sony paid scant regard to making its system accessible, the 360 uses directx, meaning its easy for designers to make games for it, as its a more universal platform.
there are a few good titles coming up for the ps3, but nothing that makes it any better buy than a 360.
Thats purely from a gaming point of view, the ps3 does have other advantages such as blu-ray
imo sony used to be the best in the marketplace for consoles, but thats not the case anymore, with the wii even being a console of choice over it.
This has been the case throughout history of consoles, there have been loads of consoles boasting superior power but they never went anywhere, and lower spec consoles always came out on top
[Edited on 14-10-2007 by Steve]
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Folklore, Heavenly Sword and Oblivion look amazing and are very comparable to some 360 games.
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oblivion is a 360 game too marc, not sure about folklore never heard of it before lolz
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Yeah, don't know why I mentioned that one.
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i have both, personally i don't take into any of the spec and graphics wars etc, i have both because i want to play as many games as possible, simple as. for me, theres not alot in it either way.
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
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I choose PS3 as I've had the previous 2 playstations, nearly went for the elite but lack of HD DVD drive and all the hidden extra costs with the 360 made the PS3 an easy choice.
Not as many titles out for the PS3 at the moment I admit but over the coming months some quality games.
Also if you like your films then the blu ray is a bonus.
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Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
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360 hidden extras?
Like what?
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what hidden extra costs? ^^
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
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The worst I've seen for hidden costs is on the Wii
£25 for an extra controller & then £18 for the nunchuck part
Almost £50 for an extra pad
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Extra 360 controllers are £35 aren't they?
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
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But I thought the Wii was cheap
£180 + about £45 for the controller = 225
Thats not far off a premium 360pack!
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But does a 360 come with 2 controllers?
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
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Premium does I think
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No, comes with 1.
Although Play do a pack with 2 for £270
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theres no hidden costs at all.
just more choice, if you want to have hddvd you can pay extra to have it, if you dont want it you can have a capable console for less money.
makes more sense to me, then bunging everything into one and forcing you to pay for it.
it seems even sony agrees as they are starting to do cut down ps3s for less money
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Things like Xbox live, £40 a year - PS3 Network free
HD DVD drive £100 - Blu Ray included
so on.
When I was looking, I wanted a HD capable DVD / Blu Ray to go with my new TV and a games console!
So I compared the two and for the elite with extra stuff then you were looking at identical prices.
Instead of having 2 seperate units why not have them in one.
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Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Wouldn't you rather have a dedicated hddvd or bluray player though?
My Wii has no DVD player, yet next to it theres a Sony Wega, DVD, Video, Amp and Sub...
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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quote: Originally posted by Daniel_Corsa
Things like Xbox live, £40 a year - PS3 Network free
HD DVD drive £100 - Blu Ray included
yes but you can get all that and the xbox for the same price as a ps3 which makes it no worse.
i dont want a hddvd drive nor do i need wireless, so the 360 is a far better buy for me, even if you add all the extras your only paying the same as a ps3 so its still down to personal preference even then