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I currently have the U600 and have had it for about 6 months of my 18 month Flext35 contract with T-Mobile.
It has had a very eventful life and been dropped a fair few times which you could guess from the wear and scratch/chip marks on it 
The worst was when it got knocked out my hand and flew literally about 12 feet  onto a cobbled road Since then it has randomly reset itself and generally been gay.
Today it started being even more retarded in that it makes the tone for 'message sent' when i havn't even sent a text and then it resets itself again.
Now, im going back to the shop with it tomorrow cause i really cant be doing with it messing up like it is.
What i want to know is, do i have a leg to stand on? Since i dont recall taking insurance out on it, but there was a mention about it when i got the phone and something about canceling it if i didnt want it or something :shrug:
Or will they tell me where to go since it is a tad battered and more than likely my fault that it is broken 
Thanks for any help 
Much love x
[Edited on 04-03-2008 by Haimsey]
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
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Sorry, thats a bit essay-ish.
Marcy Marc 
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Geek day 
EDIT: F*cking hell that was quick 
[Edited on 04-01-2008 by Jakey]
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You might have insurance if you're lucky but you would have needed to pay for this somewhere and accepted the terms so you couldn't do it accidently.
Failing that they might offer you the opportunity to buy out of the contract. With a year to go, that might get costly but if they want your business they might do something.
[Edited on 04-01-2008 by Ian]
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How many geeks are online at this time of night ffs 
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
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It all depends on if you have insurance Marc.
If not - you're screwed, not a chance of a replacement.
If so - it all depends what it covers, I took out insurance on my LG Viewty because I can't afford to replace it if it breaks, and mine covers accidental damage.
If yours also covers accidental, just say you dropped it.
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quote: Originally posted by Haimsey
How many geeks are online at this time of night ffs
Enough to answer your question ffs x2
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Hmm, i recall insurance being something like £7 a month, but i only pay the £35 a month, so dont think im being charged for it.
My friend stopped working at T-Mobile too now hes gone O2 so nothing he can do for me 
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
quote: Originally posted by Haimsey
How many geeks are online at this time of night ffs
Enough to answer your question ffs x2
Schweet xXx
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
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Nothing O2 will do to get you to move over? I'm sure there must be money to buy out old stuff as some places do stuff like give away games consoles etc.
I've insurance through my bank - good thing there is your situation is that it's not tied to any particular contract, just whatever one I have as a customer, so they wouldn't ask too many questions about the timing of when I took it out and when it broke.
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
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Do you have students contents insurance Marc? you may be able to claim off that.
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Nope didnt take that out on my stuff tom.
Ian, i get along fine with my T-Mobile contract and the allowance suits me well. But i cant see O2 buying out of a CT with 12 months left to run.
I will see what they say i guess, i will just have to make something up and play stupid i guess (wont be hard )
If they say they cant repair it, or replace it, ill throw a hissy fit and come up with some legal jargon or try something.
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
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I didn't take it out this year either, but did the other two years I have been at Uni.
Low and behold, this year we got broken into, with my ps2 and 4 games stolen from the living room 
Just spill legal jargon Marc, it may work!
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Ive never had insurance and touch wood all ive had stolen is Ice cream (which you havnt yet returned tom )
Its just reset itself again 
I will play dumb and see what they say.
Thanks for help all Ill report back 
[Edited on 04-01-2008 by Haimsey]
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 12th Jan 05
Location: Undy, Newport Drives: Skoda Octavia vRS estate
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Wasn't me
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Thats what they have all said so far, so im just going to decide it was you and cut my losses 
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 12th Jan 05
Location: Undy, Newport Drives: Skoda Octavia vRS estate
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and you're still sending me a cookie? Good lad
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Should be there tomorrow Maybe. or day after 
Marcy Marc 
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Insurance is well worth having! Best £6 a month I ever spent.
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ive got insurance with CPWH, and although it seems pricy its the best ive ever had, they always swop my phones whatever problems im having.
and i get a new one every 9 months!
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Going to shop tomorrow, but since making this thread it has only reset once 
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
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if u can change the cover on it go buy a nice cheap one from ebay and slam it on. will look like your the most careful person then and have really loked after it for when u try ur blag.
anyone wana buy an n73? Not a mark on the case
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buy insurance for it and then claim in amonth, its best way to get a new fone without looking to fradulant
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Warranty will be void when they see all the chips etc. Im afraid, best bet is insurance
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The u600 isnt easy to hide marks on, the top bit that slides is metal and so its silver where its worn and chipped where as the rest is dark blue.
I think im going to maybe nip in and see them, wasnt going to bother since it stopped resetting and being gay like it was the other day 
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread